
Monday, 11 January 2016

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Instead of getting us supper right away.
Mom took pictures of us waiting for supper.
When the time gets close, we all make out way to
the living room and kitchen. We try to get Mom to 
serve supper a little earlier than normal.
On work days we eat at about 6:30 PM.
When Mom is home on weekends, we eat at 5 PM.
Does it really matter is it is only 3:30?
I am in the kitchen and Mom is ignoring me.

JJ: I don't think this nice pose is working either!

Treasure: Even though I can't read, I like to set on the 
bookshelf. I don't hear any supper making sounds.

Mom: You kitties are all so cute, but you won't starve.
Supper will be around 5 ish.
Maybe earlier.


Do you see that black lump in that catbed?

To see more of Julie, pop over to House Panthers!


  1. Waiting for food is about the same here, except breakfast is usually bright and early...we see to that!

  2. We can't believe she's making you wait to eat! Put down the flashy box and feed them! ;)

  3. That's how it works here, too, kitties! Mom and Dad always make us wait. Sigh.


    Gracie and Zoe

  4. That must have been annoying, having to wait while your human took photos!

  5. Shucks, that is like having to sing for your supper or something like that. Isn't dinner a basic right of all kitties??

  6. We eat whenever we can convince someone to feed us.

  7. It happens here too ! I'm not really understand human logic !
    and Miss Georgia, I do agree with you...Ignore us, cats. It's unexceptable !

  8. The humans can be so very heartless when it comes to serving supper... Sigh....

    Sympathetic Purrs,
    The Chans

  9. Oh dear! That's horrible that you have to wait while she takes photos. It could be hours if my human did that!

  10. looks like your mom needs remedial training.

  11. That is not fair that she made you wait for your food!

  12. We do the same thing around here; dinner earlier on the weekends, and even some in-between food if Chuck or Angel make enough of a ruckus.

  13. Hahahaha, 3:30 instead of 5:00 sounds a bit early to me, but you can always have pre-supper meal :-) Sorry your mom was not convinced!

  14. WE try the same thing. Most of the time it doesn't work but we never give up on trying.

  15. guys....ya mite wanna let yur mom noe bout de new rooling that taked place on new yeerz day ....that specified.... if a cat iz IN de kitshun...then de cat GETZ food....time iz noe longer a factor !!! ♥♥♥

  16. I don't get it either. Mom says every time she goes into the kitchen, I do not need to go with her. I'm not getting fed. I give her my best meow and my best "feed me" face, but mom doesn't go along with it. I think it's a conspiracy between humans. If only I had opposable thumbs...


  17. That was party-pooperish of your mom to make you wait for dinner.

  18. You could go on strike and not look at the flashy box if she does't feed you when you ask. MY mom will sometimes relent a little and feed me earlier.
