
Monday 7 March 2016

A Good Weekend Was Had by All!

Georgia: As you can see, Mum was right. 
We did have a snowstorm on Saturday with snow
and big wind! The only good thing, mum said,
was that the snow was light and powdery and easy to shovel.

She was right about Sunday too. It was sunny!
The sun is warm and is already melting the snow.

I enjoyed some time on the porch.

I also watched Critter TV.

It was a good day on the porch.

JJ and Treasure  enjoyed the sunshine too.

JJ loves the warm rays on his furs.

Treasure wanted a closer look at Critter TV.

Julie, as you can see, also loved the sunbeams!

You can see what else she did at
House Panthers!


  1. You kittehz have some excellent critter tv!
    Enjoy your sunshine!

  2. I'm glad you kitties got some sun this weekend!

  3. That sounds like a perfect weekend. Ours was pretty nice too, once #1 was back from Paris!

    The Chans

  4. Wow, that's a LOT of snow but glad it pretty much melted away :-)
    Looks like you had a very nice weekend with lots of sunshine! Have a happy new week!

  5. yup, the antidote to snow is lots of sun.

  6. "Snow, snow...go away...don't come back some other day!" Yay, sunshine!

  7. I am glad your snow didn't last long and you got some nice sun puddles to enjoy.

  8. guys..critter tee vee iz total lee better N burd tee vee; which getted cancelled by de way..... sew it willna be bak next seezon !! YAY !!!!! ♥♥♥

  9. Sounds like it was a great weekend for everyone!

    Glad the snow wasn't too onerous for mom ;)

  10. Goodness gracious, look at that gorgeous floof on you! It's great to see you all looking so well. The snow looks pretty. We have never seen snow before.
    Thank you for your comment. Our girl is three now! And growing every day. We have been teaching her to get us treats ;)
    Big smooches and snuggles to you all,
    Fui, Suey and Lishy.

  11. Glad your snow wasn't too bad. You all look great.

  12. I sure am glad y'all had a great weekend and that was a bunch of snow!

  13. It sounds like you had a very full weekend. I hope Earl paid you a visit!

  14. We're glad you all had a good weekend watching Critter TV.

  15. We're glad the sun came out on Sunday, and started melting all that snow. You all look great, sweet pals! Enjoy that sun!

  16. Hooray fur the nice warm sunshine!

    And the snow: Begone!!

  17. The birds did a performance for you guys? Purrs and headbutts from all of us!

  18. you sure did have a great weekend!

  19. Looks like warmer, sunny weather is headed your way.
