
Monday 25 April 2016

Georgia's Not So Fun Week!

Georgia: As you can see, I was at the Vet this week.

I was there for 3 days!

I did not like it either!

I was really happy when Mum came to take me home.

She gave me scritches .

 I am mighty happy to be home again!

Mum: Once again, Georgia had a bout of constipation.
Not as bad as last time,but still bad.
Looks like she will need to be segregated when I am not 
at home(she and Julie tend to not get along well,
leading to litter box issues and confrontations)
and will be monitored  and given stool softeners as required.
Watching your cat's poop  can be very important

Julie is showing off her sides.

Pop over to House Panthers  to see!


  1. I sure know Georgia. I had constipation and had to be at the Vet for an enema. I was there all day. I had a soupy poop on my fur pantaloons that they were silly enough to leave on me. Mommy was MAD! Made them come up to the house and clean me up.

  2. Poor Georgia! We're sorry you had to spend time at the vet. We hope your poop issues get better. Zoey has issues too and gets miralax in her food now.

  3. Georgia, we are so sorry that you had to stay at the vet, and that you had those issues. We sure hope you are feeling better real soon, sweet girl.

  4. That must have been scary, Georgia. Glad you are home now:)

  5. At the vet for THREE days? What a bummer, Georgia! I'm glad you are home and your human is working out your litter box situation.

  6. Oh poor baby! Georgia, I'm sorry you had to stay at the vet. Glad you are home now! Niko tends to get constipated so I really have to watch. I keep poop diary for both my boys. I hope you get a lot of rest and have smooth movement!

  7. Georgia, you poor sweetie. Three days....That's a long time to be at the dreaded vet. We're glad you're okay now, though. Does your mom use Restor-a-Lax? There's a cat-appropriate dose for that, maybe 1/8 or 1/4 tsp per day?

    Tons of purrs from us!

    Nicki and Derry (our blog is not active anymore)

  8. Poor Georgia, that sounds awful to be at the vet for so long. Torties are very sensitive, I know my Penny gets pee issues when stressed so she lives in the kitchen with Millie instead of with the rest of the herd.

  9. Georgia- i hope you are fully recovered soon.

  10. Georgia, sorry to hear about your poopy problems. Our Chucky has the same issue; we've been working with him for years! Among other things, we add Miralax (like The Island Cats) and water to Chuck's (and Angel's) food with every meal. And, I monitor the litter box carefully.

  11. georgia.....we iz troo lee sorree ya had ta spends time at de place oh eeeeeeeeevil, tho we iz buzzed happee yur home now....pleeze tell yur mom ta chex out pumpkin; all natural { sad lee knot de pie kinda pumkin } but ta chex it out.... coz itz spozed ta bee veree good for this type oh izzue♥♥♥

  12. Oh Georgia, we're so very sorry - but VERY glad you're HOME!

  13. Oh my Georgia, I'm sorry you had to go through that sweet girl. Hopefully things will keep moving now.

  14. We are so sorry you had to spend three whole days at the vet, Georgia! We're sure your Mom missed you LOTS during that time, and we are so happy you are now back home. Try to keep that stuff "flowing", OK?

    The Chans

  15. We're so sorry for you Georgia ! Three days sound like an eternity. We hope you can keep pooping smoothly. Purrs

  16. Poor Georgia. Three days at the vet for constipation sounds very unpleasant. I don't know what you're using for Georgia, but I give Raven miralax dissolved in water twice daily and she likes the taste of it. It's much easier than dealing with sticky lactulose.

  17. Three whole days? Oh, how awful. Bet you felt a whole lot better when it was all uh... um... cleared out though and you were back at home.


    PS. Connie has been taking lactose ever since she had a bout of constipation when she was recovering from that broken leg. Works wonders, for sure. purrs

  18. Mom said she pays strict attention to poop, when and what it looks like...tootsie roll is better than marbles! And pee clumps. 2-3 daily.

  19. Yer right, that is NO FUN! Hope yer feelin better soon...

  20. Georgia, glad you are home now. We hope you are recovering well and feeling much better. Lots of purrs from us.


  21. oh Georgia, that's not good. maybe you would like some canned pumpkin? it's good for consitpation and tastes yummy.
