
Friday 7 October 2016


Julie: After supper, mum will give us some treats.
We look forward to that part of the day!

However, she tends to get busy with other stuff and it
is up to me to remind her!
I am very good at my job too!

Enough posing mum...treats! Now!

Finally! Nom,nom,nom...

My brofur JJ also likes treats.
Mum added some to his kibble.
He did not mind as he did not finish all his kibble  at
supper.No, I actually did not finish the kibble for him!

This time, he ate the treats and the few remaining bits of kibble.

Georgia has mum very well trained.
She does not have to move a paw as mum brings her
treats to her! Can you believe that?

She loves her treats.

Treasure also loves treats even though he is toothless.
He also likes some kibble.

We are also very excited this Friday.
Mum will be home for 3 days!
That's because it is Thanksgiving weekend here
in Canada!

We purr you all have a FUN weekend whatever is going on
in your part of the world.

We also purr  that any of our friends in the path of
hurricane Matthew will be safe
 as this is a very big and nasty hurricane !


  1. Good thing you remind her of the treats, that would be awful if she forgot.

  2. Gosh, we need lessons from you kidlets. Our mom is treat-remind-proof! Happy Thanksgiving and three days of mom, you all!

  3. You mean your human just GIVES you treats and you don't have to work for them, or do tricks? Wow!

  4. Treat time is always the best time! At our house, it is just before bedtime.

    Are Temptations your favourites? We like Party Mix a lot but Genji must have high protein, low-fat, so he gets dehydrated chicken treats and Da Beebs loves those to!

    Have a lovely Thanksgiving weekend!

    The Chans

  5. It's a good job you remind your mum when it is treat time. Enjoy your long weekend with your mu home.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving weekend with your mum!!!

  7. Everyone loves some treats! Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving!
    Treats for everybody.
    Do you have turkey like the traditional US meal?

  9. Yum! We love treats, too! You have trained your mom pretty well, Georgia :-) Treats should always come to you :-)
    We hope everyone in the path of hurricane stays safe. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving everyone and Happy Treat Day too!

  11. Happy Canadian Thanksgiving to you and your furmily!

    You are a good kitty reminder to get your treats...your furblings should be eternally grateful that you get your Mum bust with treat handout time:)

    Petcretary has to work on your Canadian Thanksgiving...even though she is a Canadian herself they won't give her the day off...and do get it off if you are a Gov't worker...sheesh...(Its Columbus Day here.)

  12. Yippee for treats and for three-day weekends! Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Treats ? Yummy ! Treats time is one of the best time, right ? Have a Happy Thanksgiving weekend ! Purrs

  14. Have a purrfect Thanksgiving weekend...and make sure you get extra treats while mom is home with you!

  15. Good thing you're there to remind your mom about giving you treats. We hardly ever get treats it seems. Enjoy yours!

  16. Wow! Look at all those treats Mom gave you! You sure look like you're enjoying them. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving weekend! Enjoy that extra time with your awesome mom!

  17. Whew, it's a good thing your mom has you to remind her about those treats, Julie! It sure looks like you all enjoyed those goodies. Mmmmm. And, happy Thanksgiving to you all!

  18. TBT keeps our treats in sealed plastic jars. They are ungettable. We hate that. They used to be kept in bags we could drag out and chew through. Sometimes...

  19. Theo is on his way over...


  20. Treats - that is our favorite as well! We know you are enjoying time with your mom on this long weekend.

    Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Mindy & Mike

  21. So glad your mom will be home for 3 days!

    You are all so beautiful - look so graceful in these photos

    Debby in Arizona

  22. guys...we hope ewe N joyed de treetz....we iz knot a loud ta have em either; even if they IZ fish flavored.......oh well ~~~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  23. Oh all of you dear ones, my mom loves you. Bet she never really said so but I told her she could...because it's true.
