
Monday, 28 November 2016

Purrs for Treasure

It is Tuesday evening and Treasure is still in the hospital.
His kidney numbers were elevated and so was the liver.
We decided to have Treasure stay foe another day  and give
him more fluids and an antibiotic in case of infection.
We want to see how he responds to this treatment.
As of this morning he was still depressed.
We will see what tomorrow brings for this little cat.
Thank you all so much for your love and purrs.

Could you send some purrs to Treasure.

Sunday night he did not want any supper.
He had vomited a bit and just wanted to lay down.
Monday morning, he was ready for breakfast and ate.
When I came home from work, I could see that he had vomited again.
He was also very lethargic and seemed depressed.

I called my Vet(after hours line) and she agreed to meet me at the clinic.
Treasure received fluids as he was so dehydrated she could
not get a blood sample from him.
We decided that Treasure would stay at the clinic overnight
and they would do the bloodwork in the morning.
Hopefully this will tell us what is wrong.
He is 19 and on Aventi for kidney support.

I will update  you Tuesday evening.
Thank you, the mum (Nancy)

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Yesterday we were all doing this,



That is because outside, it was doing this!

As you can see, Julie was not on the porch.

You can see more Julie at House Panthers!
Click the red link to see her thoughts.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Finally Friday !

We are happy the weekend is here again.
The internet is back to normal and we are catching up.
Mum has been busy so she has not been chasing us with
that flashy box! WooHoo!
So all we can say is...Let's get this weekend started!
We purr you all have a FUN weekend too !

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Happy Thanksgiving America!

Mum finally got the internet going again.
Now she has stopped being lazy and is actually
using it again to help us post.
Good help is hard to find!

Friday, 18 November 2016

Friday Close Ups

For your Friday viewing we present close ups.





We purr you all have a FUN weekend !

We still have some modem issues that we hope to have
resolved soon. For now it's still  working.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Sunny Days and Cozy Cats!

Georgia: Our weekend was a bit cool so I enjoyed a lot of sleeping 
time on this nice cozy blanket.

Treasure: I tried out snoozing on the cat tree.

It was pretty nice until mum came along!

JJ: Sunday was sunny so I was on the porch. It felt nice and
I enjoyed the heat.

I was joined by my little sister Julie.
However, I wanted her spot.
I always like to sleep  in that spot. 

She did not mind changing spots.
She is a good sister.

She enjoyed being on the porch too,
See more Julie at House Panthers.
Click the red link!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Remembrance Day.

We give thanks to all who served in the wars 
and to those who continue to serve.
We will never forget.

Our internet is sketchy.
We will not be able to fix it until next week.

We'll visit when we can.

Monday, 7 November 2016

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends.  WE had some rain yesterday and 
today it is sunny but cool. I like to be snuggled in this blanket.
I am warm and I can even enjoy a nap.

This is the bird feeder that the Chickadees like.
As you can see, there are raindrops on the branches.
The birds don't mind as they still have to eat.
Good thing it is sunny today. We think they like sun better.

JJ: While I am having a drink, do you notice anything
different about me?

Yup, that's a bald patch on my rump!
I had to go to the Vet for my semi-annual check up.
I did well too! I also had a big mat of fur and 
the Vet shaved it off. 
It looks funny but it feels better.

Cleaning my face is so much easier than trying to reach
 my  hind end. I will leave that to mum from now on.

Treasure: Do,do, do. Just having a stroll.

Oh no! Mum has that flashy box.
Maybe she is going to grab me.
Maybe she will try to brush me!

I better keep my eyes on her.
I love mum, but I can't help being nervous.

Julie had other things on her mind last night!

See what concerns Julie had
She is posting at House Panthers.
Click the red link.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Dona Nobis Pacem !

We wish the universe peace.

We wish you all a FUN weekend.