
Monday 7 November 2016

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends.  WE had some rain yesterday and 
today it is sunny but cool. I like to be snuggled in this blanket.
I am warm and I can even enjoy a nap.

This is the bird feeder that the Chickadees like.
As you can see, there are raindrops on the branches.
The birds don't mind as they still have to eat.
Good thing it is sunny today. We think they like sun better.

JJ: While I am having a drink, do you notice anything
different about me?

Yup, that's a bald patch on my rump!
I had to go to the Vet for my semi-annual check up.
I did well too! I also had a big mat of fur and 
the Vet shaved it off. 
It looks funny but it feels better.

Cleaning my face is so much easier than trying to reach
 my  hind end. I will leave that to mum from now on.

Treasure: Do,do, do. Just having a stroll.

Oh no! Mum has that flashy box.
Maybe she is going to grab me.
Maybe she will try to brush me!

I better keep my eyes on her.
I love mum, but I can't help being nervous.

Julie had other things on her mind last night!

See what concerns Julie had
She is posting at House Panthers.
Click the red link.


  1. Georgia, we like your style. With the colder weather, we love snuggling in the bed, too. JJ, we are sorry you had to get shaved, but we are happy you feel much better now. Run, treasure, run! :)

  2. It'd be nice if we got some more rain! We had a bit, but nowhere near enough.

  3. We're getting rain here today, and it's a lot colder. Winter is coming!

    We're glad you got that pesky mat removed, JJ.

    The Chans

  4. It's been so dry here. We could use some rain! JJ, I'm glad you did well on the check-up. And glad you got mat off and feel better :-)
    Happy Monday, efurryone!

  5. JJ, you'll have a little breeze for awhile, but it's better than that nasty mat, I'm sure! You have lovely furrs, btw.

  6. Those mat things are sure no fun and we are glad yours are gone JJ!

  7. We're glad you mat is gone, it can be painful. We got cold and rain today, and even snow for 20 minutes ! Purrs

  8. Glad you got rid of that nasty old mat, JJ. It is very cold here. Seems like we went straight to winter this year.

  9. dood....sorree ya loozed sum furz buddy....sisturr cuzin dai$y haz that happen a lot....hope full lee they growz bak bee for itz veree brisk out doorz ~~~ ♥♥♥

  10. You are such cuties. Sorry you had to get a little shaving, but I am glad you are more comfortable now.

  11. Georgia, we would snuggle with you in a heartbeat!

    Do you know what? Elliott does not like to be brushed. Maybe because he's so bony.

  12. Well, that's why we've staff if we don't want / can't reach the hind end!

  13. Can we come live with you?

    Roxy & Lucky
    & Mom, Dad & PlusOne

  14. i like the bald butt thing you got going on.

  15. Oh, yes, it's time to snuggle in blankies and you do look snuggly, and much happier that your mat is gone. Our sister Pia knows all about those rotten things!

  16. Not having a mat is way better than when its all stuck there on the heinie...

    Stay warm and cozy, its supposed to get chilly again, maybe even snow...yikes!
