
Monday 5 December 2016

Georgia - My Weekend Was a Bit Quiet

Georgia: My weekend was quiet because mum was not
 around very much.
Where was she?

Here, at the annual Christmas Tea and Tour put on
by her sister's church. She and her sister helped
setting things up and getting things ready for the guests.
They had fun.

Back at home I saw Julie trying to make up her mind 
about something.

Do you know whet she was wondering about?

Pop over to House Panthers and see!
 Click the red link.

We also want to take this opportunity to thank our
wonderful friends in the Blogosphere for all the 
kind words and thoughts you sent to us when
Treasure crossed the Bridge.
It made his passing easier to bear and we 
Thank You for that.
We appreciate the comments from our friends and new friends.
You are all wonderful and kind!!!
Thank You!!


  1. We are glad your Mom had some fun, Georgia. And you look sweet and ready for some good snuggles, too. Did Julie enjoy a good nap, too?
    Here we are enjoying some extra time with peeps, as they do not want to be doing much outdoors today...its snowing. OMC!

    Sending lots of purrs and hugs.

  2. That Christmas Tree and Tour looks like fun for Mum, Georgia. We just came from seeing what Julie was wondering about, and we can't say we blame her. :)

    Hugs to you, dear friends!

  3. I'm glad to see your human went out and had a nice time.

  4. Georgia, you are so pretty and patient! Purrs!

  5. My momma luvs Christmas trees too!

  6. We're glad your Mom got out and about as we're sure she's feeling very sad about losing Treasure. But we're sure you're all taking great care of her!

    The Chans

  7. I am glad your mum had a good time at the Christmas Tea and Tour. She needs lots of cuddles and snuggles.

  8. We remember that your mom does the annual tea. :-) Our human "grandmother" was at the Bedford United Church this weekend, for their sale and tea, as one of her dear friends is a member of the church. It would be pretty darned cosmic if your church is the same one! (We're sure LOTS of churches had their sales and teas this weekend!)

  9. Sending (((hugs)))))))) Please tell your Mom to PLEASE add the "follow by email" widget to your sidebar.......we keep waiting......that is the way we follow blogs. xoxoxoxo

  10. such a difficult decision Julie had to make...

  11. I am glad your Mom got out to take her mind off of losing Treasure.

  12. Many more hugs and purrs for you as you mourn Angel Treasure

  13. Christmas Tea and Tour sounds like lovely event. Glad your mom and her sister had fun :-)
    Lovely to see you Georgia and Julie!

  14. Georgia we sure are glad your Mom enjoyed her time at the Christmas Tea and Tour. We know how hard it is to lose a family member, especially at this time of year when so many are so jolly. WE're all thinking of you! ((hugs))

  15. We do love Christmas Trees, all of them! Hugs and love to all of you from all of us.

  16. georgia....we toll julie two knock de ray de oh two de floor but ya dinna heer thiz frum uz.....

    we iz glad yur mom waz abe bull ta N joy her time.... ♥♥♥♥♥

  17. nice to see your mom is doing ok. Hope the holidays will still be enjoyable!

  18. That looks like a lovely event. We're glad your mom had some fun this weekend. Georgia, you're looking as beautiful as ever!

  19. That looked like a nice event your mom went to. We're glad she had a little fun. Having a quiet weekend isn't so bad, is it, Georgia?

  20. So happy your mom had a chance to do something fun. You are a very pretty girl - swoon!

  21. Sounds like your Mom had a fun outing, but I'd stay in where it's warm (and we don't have a porch).

  22. I can see the 'tea', but what was the 'tour'?

  23. We are glad to hear that your mum had some fun at the Tea and Tour. You and your mum continue to be in our thoughts.

  24. Georgia, it looks like your mom and her sister did a fantastic job with the Christmas Tea and Tour. Also, you are just so pretty, Georgia, and with such stunning eyes! And we're of course still sending you all our purrs and prayers.
