
Monday, 6 February 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: As you can see, I am in the computer room 
sitting by the floor vent.

Normally, you see me by this vent.
I had to move, because mum was doing some
cleaning this weekend.
You know how disturbing that is!

That is why I am here.
She already did some cleaning in here.
However, that did not include her desk! Heehee!

JJ was also relaxing in the living room.

As you can tell but his expression, he is waiting
for mum to take the pic so he can go back to sleep.
JJ is a pretty accommodating cat.
He says it's just easier to pose and then she goes away faster .
Smart boy.

Even Julie spent some time catching up oh her sleep.

You can see more Julie at House Panthers.

 Click the RED link.


  1. We are glad you all got some extra sleep, Georgia, JJ and Julie! Georgia, that floor vent thing is nice when it blows warm air, isn't it? :)

  2. Well, thank goodness you found a heat vent to sit by despite all of your mom's cleaning, Georgia.

  3. I love when the mom does cleaning. She always found my toys !
    I'm sure you all do love it too =^x^= It's Nice !
    Have a lovely day

  4. Stay near those vents and keep them company! ;-)

  5. Man, I don't know what I would do without the heaty vent! I'd have to call the Cat Council and tell them I was deprived!

  6. the boyz wonder what this word "cleaning" means.

  7. Humans doing cleaning is such a pain in the furs!

  8. Angel and Chuck both know that they'd better pose, or the camera will never go away!

  9. You all look pretty relaxed, despite the cleaning endeavours!

    The Chans

  10. Oh I know, Georgia, cleaning is quite disturbing! :-)
    JJ is very smart and gorgeous. I hope he got to take a nice long nap afterwards!
    Happy Monday xoxo

  11. guyz...we had ta run frum de vacuum ma sheen thiz past caturday two....onlee day we can catch sum ZZZZ'z :) N de food gurl haz ta
    go runnin it ~~~~~~

    happee week a head two ewe all ♥♥♥

  12. I think JJ has a good plan. Pose, then back to sleep. Enjoy your warm heater vent.

  13. Sounds like you had a very restful weekend! Mudpie's favorite place to hang out is by the furnace vents too :)

  14. We envy you those floor vents, kids. Ours are on the ceiling! Who's responsible for that nonsense?

  15. Those floor vents sound great to stay warm. You look so relaxed despite the cleaning ! Purrs

  16. You are smart to stay by the vent. We just discovered ours puts out warm air! Funny how we never put two and two together like that before. It helped that our Mom put our hammicks over one of them. Ah, warm naps now.

  17. there are few things better in the world than a warm air vent!!

  18. Cleaning and paparazzi, the worlds two most annoying things... First all the work to get our fur everywhere to make us feel home and then mom removes it and when we are sleeping she puts the camera in our face!

    Moms, sometimes I can be so mad at her

  19. Heating vents are such a warm comfort!! We hate it later when that same nice and cozy spot becomes a cold chilly one...

    You are all looking relaxed and ready for some good kitty naps:)
