
Monday 27 February 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Mum says I spend too much time snoozing.

I think it's because the only time she has a camera in her hands
I am laying down!

See mum! I do get up and about!
I do like that nice blankie a lot though. MOL!

Do you remember the BIG storms we had
that left us with all this snow?
It was like we got Winter in one week!

Well, we had a lot of rain Saturday night and it washed 
a bunch of snow away! More of it melted as we have
had mild temperatures this past week too.
Mum says this week will also be sunny and mild...
at least until Thursday. Then it might cool down again.

Earl the Squirrel was enjoying the sunshine yesterday.

He was enjoying the sunflower seeds mum gave him.

He was also afraid she was there to take them back!

As it was sunny yesterday, you know what that means.
Yup! Julie on the porch!

See more Julie on the porch at House Panthers!

Click the RED link.


  1. There's no such thing as too much snoozin!

  2. We think there is no more admirable activity than snoozing, Georgia.

    Glad to hear your weather has warmed up. We are getting wind and rain here today.

    The Chans

  3. too much sleeping? thompson thinks that's crazy talk.

  4. The weather has been wild and wonderful, or at least very weird!

  5. hay ewe gorgeuz....we think momz just gel uz her canna snooze all day like uz catz !!!! de food servizz gurl iz :) her tellz UZ ta go two THATZ gonna happen !! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  6. The more snoozing the better :-)
    Glad you enjoyed nice warm weekend!

  7. Being so cute requires a lot of snoozy power!

  8. Sounds like our weather is much the same! You just need your beauty sleep :) Earl is too cute!!!

  9. Miss Georgia, Me think you are da smart one! Well, it's freezing ! Best thing to do, of course ....' Snoozing "!
    Love the photos of squirrel. Pretty Little one =^x^=
    Your mom is really nice pawson to give the sunflowers seeds to him ( Not cat treats.. MOL )
    Have a lovely week!

  10. Snoozing too much? How can that possibly be??? After all, how do we know what she's doing all day out of your sight?

  11. There is no such thing as too much snoozing!

  12. Our weather has been strange day warm, next day cold. Earl the Squirrel is cute!

  13. We're glad you got some sun and milder temperatures ! You never snooze too much, it's impossible. Purrs

  14. You can never do too much snoozing, Georgia.

  15. Is it possible to sleep to much? I think I shall have to nap and think on it...

  16. Look at that red squirrel! What a cutie. We have LOTS of squirrels but most of 'em are the big grey and black ones. They're like twice the size of the little red guys. Maybe more! Some are as big as a small cat. MOUSES!

  17. are just so glowingly beautiful. I love your furs. Momma said outside of Tuxies (heeeeehehe) Torties are where it's all at! Well, Black kitties too. And JJ gorgeousness too!

  18. You are a kitty, you are supposed to sleep a lot :) That is a friendly squirrel.

  19. Nothing wrong with sleeping a lot, Georgia. It's what we cats do best! :)

    We got lots of snow, too, and then warm weather ... it's pretty much all gone.
