
Monday 13 February 2017

Stormy Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Sunday I was enjoying the sun streaming into the kitchen.
It was warm and felt good.
I could see the door to the porch was open,so I decided
to go out to the porch.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm,this feels good.

I spent a good long while  enjoying the sun.

 JJ also enjoyed the sunny rays.

So did Julie.

It got a bit warm, so JJ moved into the shade.

We had to enjoy the sunny purch yesterday as it is quite
stormy today!
This is what our yard looked like yesterday.
The weather people are calling for a blizzard.
We should  get 30-60cm of snow with high winds!
(That is 12-24inches for our American friends)
This is a snow day for mum.
She will have to carve a new oath to the bird feeders.

As you can see from the picture above, the
Porch Queen (aka Julie) was on the porch.
To see more pictures of her,
pop over to House Panthers.

Click the RED link.


  1. How nice that you got some porch time before the storm!

  2. Glad ya got some sun before da blizzard!

  3. I hope all of you will join us for a party tonight for Sasha. It will be a relatively quiet affair.
    Lynette on behalf of Sasha

  4. Hi guys! Stay safe, hope you don't lose power. We had 25 cms yesterday, but there were no blizzard warnings. Our biped talked to her mom (in Halifax) and she's prepared to hunker down in her apartment, is all stocked up on necessities (in her case, meaning cigarettes and wine -- lol).

    Take care!

  5. We're glad you got some sun before the storm hit! It's sunny here today but there is a cold north wind blowing too!

    Stay warm!

    The Chans

  6. Glad you got to enjoy sunshine before the storm came. You sure look so happy on the porch :-) We had cloudy weekend, but it was nice and warm. Stay warm, furriends. Happy Monday!

  7. It's just about half-way through February, so even though you may get lots of snow, at least we know that Spring is closer than ever!

  8. It was probably nice to have some sun before the storm comes in!

  9. At least you got to enjoy a bright and sunny day! Keep warm sweet friends!

  10. Hope you are all well up there. That's a lot of snow to come in a short amount of time. Mom needs to be careful if she has to go to work, too. We get bored watching the snow fall. Time to find a nice warm vent to lie on.

    Pilchard, Mija and Hamlet

  11. feel bad for you guys... it's positively spring like in our neck of the woods. lots of sun and unseasonably warm temps...

  12. still waiting for you to add follow by email so we can follow this one too! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  13. Yikes, that is a lot of snow. I hope you don't get over a foot, we had that last week and it was tough to find places to put it.

  14. Those are wonderful sun puddles ! It's so nice you could enjoy your porch ! Purrs

  15. cranbereez guyz....we hope mum iz stocked up on de eee sent food, cat food, cat nip & grazz, cat treetz, cat litter, cat food...sorry ta lurn a blazzardz on de way....hope full lee is will fizz out bee for it getz ther safe ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  16. WOW we just got 5cm and i thought that was bad!! Enjoy those sunpuddles

  17. Glad you all got some porch time on the weekend. The blizzard does not sound like fun at all.

    We have been getting a lot of rain lately, but we had a lovely sunny weekend for the first time in a while. Sam Sam enjoys laying in the sunshine, just as Luna did.

  18. Oh I am so glad we both all got some suns in and on our furs. I got an extra day today. Hard to say what will happen later.

    You all look happy. xoxo

  19. Good thing you had some sun to make up for all that snow. :)

  20. Glad you were able to enjoy those yummy sun puddles before the snow arrived! We got close to a foot too...the biggest storm in 2 years!

  21. Glad you kids got some sun while you could. We got high winds, a temp drop and snow. We didn't get a lot--we hardly ever do--but there's more on the way. Stay warm!

  22. With all that snow outside, I'm glad you all found such wonderful sunpuddles to keep you warm.

  23. The snow looks purrty. The only one here who has seen snow (besides the humans) is Socks. It hasn't snowed here since the rest of us were born.

  24. That seems like a bit too much snow...even for petcretary who grew up in a snow belt region of 'the Great White North'...Hope by now things are back to normal!

    Glad you are all warm and cozy and even had some sun to warm up in:)
