
Monday, 10 April 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends.
Mum wanted me to pose for some pictures.
I agreed, but I did not want to move  as this place
is cozy and I may want to nap here.
It was OK because the sun was shining 
and brightened up the room.

There, this picture is much better  and not nearly as washed out.
Gee mum, after all these years of blogging you would think your
photo skills would have gotten better.

JJ even agreed to pose a bit.
As an older cat, he thinks sleeping is the best
pose in the world!

There...a nice face shot.
Now he can get back to snoozing.

As for Julie, well you know the baby of the family does not snooze 
as much as we do. She was enjoying this sunny window.

She quickly moved on to her favourite place.

Click the RED link.


  1. Paws up for spring weather and sun puddles!

  2. You all posed so nicely, sweet pals. Hooray for spring weather and sunpuddles for all! :)

  3. Sunny and bright does make for good snoozing!

  4. Julie looked very happy sitting in the sum in her favourite place which is the porch.
    Luv Hannah, Lucy and Mum Sue xx xx xx

  5. We think all these pictures are purrfect! We're glad you got some sun.

  6. We loved all the photos and think you all look divine!

  7. Those are all beautiful pictures ! Purrs

  8. Sunshine and snoozing sounds lovely. And we think those are all great pictures. :)

  9. Glad you all had a nice weekend.

  10. Georgia, I'll let you in on a secret...I took a long nap on Sunday! I pretended I was a cat, you see...heehee!

  11. you all deserve treats for all that difficult posing.

  12. guyz....we think yur momz fotoz sillz R prette awesum !!! we hope de SUN shine stix a round N porch time kinda weatherz two !! ☺☺♥♥ happee week a head ~~~~

  13. Georgia, we think your mom's photo skills are outstanding! We wish our mom's were half as good!

  14. I love how your mom finds you in beautiful poses and shares them with us. Xx

  15. Your Mom takes wonderfur pictures of all of you!
    Glad you had some nice warm time in the porch sun puddles.

  16. Hahaha I can't tell my photo skills have gotten any better after years of blogging :-) Your mom got great photos, Georgia! JJ looks ready for a nice long snoozing. I hope you all are having a great week! xo

  17. After all of those beautiful poses we think you deserve a sunpuddle nap!
    Winston and Emily!

  18. don't you worry--your mom captures all of your beauty!!

  19. You all posed so nicely for your photos.

  20. We think those are great photos of all of you. Such good looking cats. You all have a great Saturday.
