
Monday, 24 April 2017

Monday Musings with JJ the Handsome

Georgia: Hmmmmmm, I feel like I am being watched.

Hi mum, I see you  there.
These pictures are for my blog right?
Yes Georgia, they are.
OK then mum.

JJ: Georgia may be snoozing, but I am up and ready to
 show off my handsomeness.
I like sleeping too, but I also like posing for my fans.

While our weekend was coolish, we did get some
neat critters visiting.Mum got some neat pictures.
Here is Mr Groundhog eating some cracked corn
mum puts out for the birds.

He seems pretty happy to munch .

Oops, I think he realized he was being watched
even though mum was taking the pictures from indoors.

We also had a Woodpecker visit.
He was eating sunflower seeds.
He takes one and hits it against the tree  and eats the
seed inside the shell.

He loves the seeds and so do the Chickadees.
Mum did not take any pictures of them though.

My little sisfur Julie did some snoozing this cool weekend,
but that's not all she did.

To see what Julie was up to this weekend, pop over to


  1. That groundhog looks like he ran off pretty fast - I didn't know they could move like that!

  2. Georgia and JJ, you look marvelous, and us fans love seeing you! :)

    Mr. Groundhog's cousin paid us a visit on Tuesday. They're so fast when they realize they're being watched!

  3. We get those critters here too...groundhogs can move like lightning when they need to, MOL!
    Its fun to watch how different birds eat the food we put out for them.

    You kitties had a nice weekend, we are glad. Ours was good too...lots of sun puddles though here it was cooler than earlier in the week. It even froze a bit on Sunday morning. Poor farmers and their fruit trees.

  4. Wow, you saw a groundhog, that's great! Wonderful photos. Too bad it was cool this weekend. Hope you all got in some cuddling!

  5. We are part of the JJ Fan Club and you are looking mighty fine!

  6. JJ, you are such a handsome kitty. You make your fans very happy!
    We had a coolish weekend, too. You have such fun TV programs. Mr. Groundhog is very cute :-)

  7. You have really cool neighbors, it's nice to see them ! Purrs

  8. JJ is quite handsome; and Mr. Groundhog is cute :)
    WE also love seeing Julie snoozing in her bed.

  9. You pose very nicely, JJ. It has been nice and warm here and the flowers are coming out, but we have hail and sleet forecast for tomorrow. I hope spring comes back again soon.

  10. We often have a groundhog in the yard, and it makes me giggle to see him/her run away...they are fast, in a gallumping sort of way.

  11. guyz...we toll julie mr hog kneadz a D.I.E.T..

    more $$$ then for ewe all for cat goodz !!

    yur lookin gorgeouz Georgia..... & JJ yur lookin handsum !!

    happee week a head two all ☺☺♥♥

  12. looks like spring is springing in your neck of the woods.

  13. Nice to see you, JJ. That groundhog is an interesting guy. We've never had one around here...or at least we've never seen one.

  14. Looks like you had a wonderful weekend! JJ, you are looking quite handsome!

  15. Glad you had a nice weekend. Great photos of your outdoor friends.

  16. You really are very handsome, JJ! We need to see more photos of you.

    The Chans

  17. You are looking beautiful after your nap.
    I wish I had such a variety of critters to watch from my window.

  18. JJ, it is no secret that I am a fan of yours!


  19. Those groundhogs ARE fast. We get one making a burrow almost every year. They like veggies too. Its why TBT built a caged garden enclosure. We even saw one up in a Mulberry tree once.
