
Friday 16 June 2017

Finally Friday !

Oops! Mum goofed and set the wrong time to post!
Good help is really hard to find.Sheesh!

Georgia: Well, it's Friday again and we are happy.
While we are glad to have mum home for 2 days,
we would be happier if it would be sunny.
Yup, the rain is coming back.
Oh well, at least it will not be torrential rain,just showers.
We will still have FUN!

JJ: I will still be able yo have my snoozes.
I can sleep pretty much anywhere.
Now that's FUN!

Julie: I really like the sun.
It is so much more fun to dine in sunlight.
At least showers will not prevent me from having FUN!

Earl: As long as I can get to these feeders I know I will have FUN! 

Whatever your weather, we purr you all have a FUN weekend!


  1. That darn rain has been hanging around with our pal Friday a lot lately. Y'all have a fun weekeind!!!

  2. With your great kitty TV, the weekend is bound to be fun, rain or no rain. :-)

  3. Each of you look purrfectly content doing what you do best ... napping, eating, window watching! Enjoy your weekend.

  4. We are in Phoenix this weekend and it is VERY hot!

  5. I'd be happy to trade a bit of your rain for some of my sun. It will be 100+ (38 C) here for the next week! That means the windows stay closed and the bird tv is terrible because it's too hot for the birds to be active.

  6. I hope you get the sun back to enjoy your weekend. It is too hot here at mid 70s but we are more used to low 60s.

  7. I hope you all have a great weekend with your Mum! XO

  8. Our mom is asleep at the switch. Or maybe melted is a better description! Hope you have a good rest of your weekend!

  9. We had Earl's cousins and other relations here this past weekend too.
    We hope your weekend was lots of good fun.
