
Friday 1 September 2017

Let's Get This Weekend Started !

Julie: Last night, I was not happy!
Mum came home and picked me up and then...THEN
she put me in the PTU!!!!!!
PTU= Personal Transporting (Torture) Unit
Then she took me to the Vet!

I want to go home NOW!!!!!!!!!

Well! That didn't work.
I suffered through my checkup and it was not that bad.
They did steal some of my bloods though!
Mum said they want some pee too. Sheesh!

I am happy to  be home and looking forward to doing lots of this
all weekend.

We are all excited too because it is a long weekend.
Yup,Labour Day Weekend!
That means an extra mum day.

We purr you all enjoy your weekend too.
Remember...have FUN !


  1. Hey there Mickey!
    How exciting that you have a long weekend!!
    That personal torture unit looks awful... mum sometimes puts me in a travel cage which I absolutely HATE!
    Great photos though :)
    Lots of licks, your new friend Morrie :)

  2. I'm right there with you, well, except for that Vet trip thing. Have a fun weekend everyone!!!

  3. Poor Julie! Well, at least that vet visit is over and you can get on with your weekend.

  4. I hope your blood test comes back ok. And I agree, it's very rude when mom comes home and shoves you in a carrier! I hope enjoy the long weekend.

  5. We had to suffer the same this week! What's wrong with humans? Can't they go and put themselves in a carrier if they think that's fun?

  6. Wow, Julie, you don't like vet visits, do you?

    MOL, neither do I!

  7. That's a personal torture unit indeed! Looks like you made very clear that you were not happy! Glad the ordeal is over and you are home now :-) Enjoy your long weekend and extra mum time!

  8. Oh my! Did you know that Mama was in Halifax a few weeks ago? She came in on a boat (and it was only for the day, during the week) but she thought of all you and looked at houses and wondered which one you all might have been snoozing in!

  9. Julie, that was pretty awful. You sure did show your mum, though! We hope you all have a great holiday weekend. September starts our very favorite time of year!

  10. We're so friggen excited for the weekend. Glad you got back home all safe and hopefully you won't have to be in the torture unit anytime soon!

  11. The only good thing about those visits is when they're over!

    Enjoy your long weekend!

    The Chans

  12. OMC, poor Julie ! That's awful, and we're glad it's over ! Fortunately, you have a great weekend for recovering from this. Purrs

  13. Julie, you poor thing! Here's hoping all the tests come back normal and you won't have to worry about another PTU trip for another long while!

  14. julie....we iz crackin UP at photoz two ☺☺☺☺.....sorree... but talk bout cat a TOOD !!!!!!! way awesum tho.... but sorree ya had ta go two de eeeeeevil place frum de get go ~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  15. At least that trip to the stabby place was not in the middle of the now you can relax and enjoy all the fun times with your Mom and your furblings, too. Have a great time.

    PS: I hope your lab works pass all scrutiny done to it.

    PS #2: Petcretary is working this weekend, no extra mom time fur me and dog-guy...sigh...

  16. Beware of the ptu... happy weekend.

  17. Julie, we're sorry you had to go to the V-E-T. Not fun! But we're glad you're okay, and that you have a long weekend with Mum! Happy Labour Day!

  18. That was not a good start to your weekend, Julie. I hope your tests come back good. Hope you all have a lovely long weekend.

  19. Sorry you had to go to the vet. I hope your blood work comes back good.
