
Friday 8 September 2017

Finally Friday

Georgia: Peek-a-boo I see you!
Are you ready for the weekend? I am.
 I am looking forward to having mum home all day
so she can give me scritches and brush my furs.

JJ: I am ready for the weekend as I love to snooze on the porch
couch. It gets lots of sun and is very cozy.
Mum said we will have sun this weekend too.

Julie: Weekend means mum,porch and lots and lots of attention.
It means lots of lap time if she decides to read too!
I look forward to that !

What do you look forward to on the weekend?

We purr it involves FUN !


  1. Have a fun Friday and a delightful weekend sweet friends!

  2. Sounds like you have a great weekend planned. Enjoy it!

  3. My human is selling books at a local Mercado on Saturday, but the rest of the weekend, she'll be around.

  4. Your weekend sounds like its going to be super duper with your Mommy home to cater to all of you kitties. Well, I do hope she will be:)

  5. Not too sure if we look forward to it. Our human plans on decluttering and some VERY belated spring cleaning. We hate the vacuum cleaner and are afraid that she'll give some of our toys away.

    Tessa and Kajsa

  6. Yes, we are ready for weekend, too!
    Sounds like you have great plans for weekend. We are planning lot of snoozing :-)

  7. We are purring for Florida; several friends live there, and it's scary. Happy Weekend, y'all!

  8. guyz...heerz wishin ewe porch time sun time lap time snooze time fun time N mom time !! ♥♥♥

  9. everyone in our house looks forward to lots of snoozing. well except for Theo, he looks forward to as much food as possible.

  10. you are lucky you get sun this weekend--only rain for us!

  11. we just hope our family and friends that live in Florida will be safe!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  12. ooh yes, the weekend is SO wonderful - and we're with you on the sunpuddles. The big Three S's: Sunpussles, snozing and Spying birdies int he window!

  13. We only get the porch when our mom is home too. We hope you got lots of porch time.
