
Friday 10 November 2017

Finally Friday

Georgia: Well, it is finally Friday.
It was a week of adjusting to darkness coming sooner.
Usually when mum came home it was not quite dark.
Now, she comes home in the dark!
She does not like that too much.
Other than that, we have  adjusted to the time change.

Today is a bit rainy but mild.
When the rain stops, it will get cold!
Mum did say that the weekend should have sunshine.

I hope so as I would like to sit on the porch again like I
did last weekend. 

I am pretty sure JJ would love to be on the porch snoozing again too.

And Julie...well,you know she lives for the porch!

I am pretty sure she would love to have a nice snooze 
on the porch couch.

What are your plans for the weekend?
We purr it involves FUN!
And remembrance, as  Saturday is


  1. We finally are getting use to the fact that our breakfast is later than it was. Have a great weekend!

  2. We hope you wil have a great weekend, filled with sunpuddles and porch time!
    The Chans

  3. I hope you get some sun, and some porch time, this weekend!

  4. We adjusted to the new schedule too. Have a pawsome weekend ! Purrs

  5. Georgia, we hope you have a wonderful weekend! We've only half adjusted to the time change--if we all whine enough for dinner on OUR time, Mom usually gives in!

  6. I don't like that it gets dark so early, either. Glad you have adjusted to the time change. Our boys still gets up early for breakfast. Glad sunshine is on your way :-) Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  7. I don't like the dark evenings either. We have rain forecast for the weekend.

  8. I hope you get some porch time! We don't care for the dark at the wrong time!

  9. Sadly we had our first snowfall today! It's freezing and there are no good spots to sleep by a window!

  10. Cannot say I dislike the early dark, but I really HATE the cold and snow! Arrghh!

  11. Sounds like you get a lot of rain. I hope you have a warm and sunny weekend. XO

  12. We are having the first hard freeze tonight. Goodbye garden...

  13. Well Georgia, my fellow gorgeous Tortie, I don't much care what time it is or how dark it is out as long as i get fed and have much attention paid to me. Enjoy your weekend!

  14. Ha! I napped that whole weekend, and petcretary had to work...We have has so many dreary days here of late, yesterday (23rd) was clear and sunny! Sunpuddles!! Hooray!!
