
Friday, 26 January 2018

Let's Get This Weekend Started !

Georgia: We are all happy that the week is over.
The weather has been all over the place.
We had heavy rain that washed away a lot of snow,
then it got cold  and windy with a wind chill that made it feel colder.
Now, the weekend will be warmer and we will see
more rain, then maybe snow by monday.
Makes we 3 cats happy to be indoor cats!
It has not been a good week for picture taking,
 so we are going with close ups from various shoots.

Mine first.



We will enjoy the weekend with mum home.
We purr that all of you have a good weekend
and lots of  FUN !

Monday, 22 January 2018

Good Weekend for some Kitties

Georgia: Hi friends. Our weekend came and went.
Some of us enjoyed it (JJ and Julie)  but I did not.
Why?  Well, on Tuesday I had my annual check up.
The Vet felt a "mass" in my belly!
She suggested an x-ray and mum said yes.
Then mum and the Vet looked at the x-ray and saw that I
have lots of poop inside me!
Mum said that explains my lack of appetite.
They gave me Sub-Q fluids too.

Mum doubled my Lax-A-Day(stool softener)
 on the advice of the Vet.
Saturday I had to go back for a check.
While there was still lots of poop, the vet said it was not too hard.
If I did not pass any by Monday, I should go back and spend the 
day at the Vet!

I did NOT want to spend the day at the Vet, 
so I tried very hard on Sunday to poop!
I went from box to box to box.
Mum took all the covers off of them too.
I left a big poop in 2 boxes and a smaller one by mum's desk.
That was for taking me to the Vet, Heh,heh,heh!
The good news...I do not have to spend the day at the Vet.
Mum will be monitoring me as I have a tendency 
for this kind of thing. I may even have to spend some time by myself.
Oh well, at least I feel better.

Brother JJ enjoyed some sun on Sunday.
He said it felt good on his old bones.

The birds enjoyed the sunflower seeds mum put out.

You know who loved the sunny porch!

To see more of Julie's weekend,
visit her at House Panthers !

Friday, 19 January 2018

Finally Friday

Georgia: It is sunny but cold outdoors.
Wednesday, we finally got some serious snow.
We got about 17cm and then some freezing rain.
Thursday was relatively warm and the sun came out for a bit.
The weekend should be warmer...yay!
This floor vent is the best place to be when it is cold.
I feel nice warm air blowing into my furs.
It feels SO good.

JJ: I am sitting here hoping mum is doing treats! 
I love it when she comes and gives me a few.
Usually before bed we get some.
It is a highlight for this old cat.
Age does have it's advantages.

What is that on the porch?

Looks like a Julie butt.

Ha! It is Julie!
As you can see, she is on the porch.

Here she is, a cat in motion!
Ready to get this weekend started!

We are looking to enjoy this weekend with mum 
and having FUN!
We purr you all have FUN too !

Monday, 15 January 2018

Monday Musings With Georgia

Georgia: We had a pretty quiet weekend.
It was wild and windy and rainy on Saturday.
Lucky for us we did not lose power this time!
Saturday night and Sunday  were cooler.
Overnight it snowed a little bit.
Mum calls this a skiff of snow as you can still see the 
ground through it..

JJ and I enjoyed a great snooze again.
We really like this spot as it is comfy and we can
keep an eye on mum while she is on the computer.
Right here, we are just keeping her company ;)

Snoozy JJ.

Snoozy me.

Guess what else happened this weekend.
Mum saw Earl the Squirrel taking seeds to 
his home inside a tree!
She got video too.

Julie is posting at House Panthers.
Pop over and see about her weekend.

Friday, 12 January 2018

Finally Friday

This weekend, you are not likely to see and pictures 
of any of us doing this.

We are more likely to be doing this.

and this...

and this!

Because of this!

As you can see, we are getting rain on Saturday
and it will be cloudy on Sunday.
However, the temperatures will be quite warm.
Saturday will be 13C (55F)outside.
With our enclosed porch,it will be even warmer!
So while we will have no sun, we may still get on the porch!

We purr you all have a cozy weekend too filled
with lots of FUN !

Monday, 8 January 2018

Warm and Cozy After the Storm with Georgia

Georgia: JJ and I are nice and cozy

JJ was on the porch with Julie and they were cozy.

Nice sunshine.

Happy cats!

We even had some ducks hanging around.
This one on the road.

This one at the end of the driveway.

We had a BIG storm thursday that pretty much closed
the city of Halifax.Many people including mum
went home early.
There were hurricane force winds with lots of rain too!
One of the harbour bridges was closed and there were waves
in Halifax harbour.
The boardwalks along the harbour were flooded!
The storm knocked our power out at 4:30PM Thursday  and it
was restored Friday night at 9PM.
Friday turned very cold! It was very cold all weekend .
We are glad mum had the oil tank filled.

Our old kitchen windows sometimes get frost.
 It melts when the sun comes out.
The patterns are pretty so we are sharing them with you.

Mum says this week will not be as cold as last week.
That is good for her. we do not worry about the outside
as we stay indoors. It is good for outdoor critters though.

You should pop over to House Panthers.
Julie will tell you about her weekend.