
Friday 26 January 2018

Let's Get This Weekend Started !

Georgia: We are all happy that the week is over.
The weather has been all over the place.
We had heavy rain that washed away a lot of snow,
then it got cold  and windy with a wind chill that made it feel colder.
Now, the weekend will be warmer and we will see
more rain, then maybe snow by monday.
Makes we 3 cats happy to be indoor cats!
It has not been a good week for picture taking,
 so we are going with close ups from various shoots.

Mine first.



We will enjoy the weekend with mum home.
We purr that all of you have a good weekend
and lots of  FUN !


  1. Beautiful shots all! We hope you have a great weekend with lots of entertainment TV!

  2. Gorgeous close ups! Enjoy your weekend...inside safe and warm. :)

  3. Geez, your weather doesn't know what it wants to do! Yes, you are fortunate to be indoor kitties!

  4. Lovely close-ups of all of you! We are crossing our paws for some sunpuddles this weekend!

    The Chans

  5. I love your close ups and I do hope you get a bit of warm weather soon!

  6. You three look so beautiful and so happy and content, you make me and my mom happy just seeing you. XXX

  7. We have had torrential rain for the past 2 weeks, but now the sun is shining! I hope you get lots of sun puddles.

  8. spring can't come soon enough...

  9. guyz...anda happee week oh end two ewe all az well weatherz heer haz been de same...onlee thing missin...90 degreez in de shade ~~~~~

  10. We are also expecting warmer temperature with rain. But no forecast for snow!
    Those are great close-ups! Have a wonderful weekend! xo

  11. We love your selfies, sweet friends. :)

    Our weather has been crazy, too. It was warm yesterday and today, then the temperatures are supposed to drop big-time, with snow coming tomorrow and Tuesday. Sigh.

  12. Beautiful portraits ! We hope you had a wonderful weekend ! Purrs

  13. Lovely closeups. Our weather has been too mild for winter with very little rain.

  14. Great photos of all of you. I hope you had a nice weekend- sorry I am so late.

  15. Petcretary calls that yo-yo weather, MOL!

    Hope you get sme nice warm and sunny days soon!

    Lovely closeups:)
