
Monday 5 February 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well, Monday is here again so another week is starting.
As an indoor cat, I do not mind that it is Winter.
The climate indoors is quite cozy.

I have many comfy places to sleep and a great companion
in my big brother JJ.

Outdoors is another matter.Saturday was very cold.
On Friday it got warm during the day,then the 
temperatures dropped quickly at night.
There was a "flash freeze" and now the snow is as 
hard as ice!
Mum still went outside to put  out birdseed.
These ducks were happy.

It is not easy to tell from this picture,but the 
landscape is frozen solid.
The forecast for today(Monday)?... Rain!
Rain and frozen ground do not mix well.
Mum should have a fun time getting to work
We will think about her as we  snooze indoors. MOL!

Here is Julie doing her best(and succeeding) at not
looking at the camera!

To see more of Julie's weekend, pop over to

Click the RED link


  1. I'm glad I'm an inside kitty when it's cold too.

  2. Frozen ground doesn't sound like any fun at all for those that have to be out n' about!

  3. Oh, it sounds like the ground is pretty treacherous there. Please tell Mum to be careful out there!

    We are glad you are indoor kitties, too!

  4. Your human takes such good care of the birdies! Tell her to be VERY careful on her way to work!

  5. Tell your mom to be very careful ! We're glad you can enjoy the warm inside these days ! Purrs

  6. It's gotten colder here to and they are forecasting snow for tomorrow! We are all lucky to have warm and comfy homes to relax in! We're even getting a few sunpuddles today!

    The Chans

  7. It's freezing here today, very messy out, with wet snow yesterday (fairly mild), then the overnight freeze. Tell your mom to be extra careful on the roads and when walking too.

    And let's all hope for an EARLY spring! :-)

  8. yes, rain and frozen ground is not a good combination. good time to stay indoors.

  9. Those ducks sure look very happy :-) I hope your mum has safe trip to and from work.
    Love the photo of Julie doing her best not looking at camera :-)
    Have a wonderful new week, kitties!

  10. Tell your mum to keep safe on the frozen roads. We don't often get snow here, but we do get a lot of ice. We have had weeks of rain and now we have sub zero temperatures (Centigrade) and the single track road to the village has frozen. The ice is only about 2 inches deep at the most, but a few years back with all of the water running from the fields it got thicker and thicker and ended up 10 inches thick. (We measured it!)

  11. guyz....tell mum ta use caushun......we get ice heer two N drivin iz knot fun N dangerouz ~~~~~~ heerz ta a thaw N warm air ~ ♥♥☺☺

  12. Glad you are nice and warm inside. XO

  13. MOL, Julie!

    Now that it's Monday night, we hope your mum made it to work and back safely. We know you kids had a safe and warm day!

  14. I love that the ducks are there and that your mommy takes good care of them, the squirrels and the birdies. AND you three. XXX

  15. It's freezing here too! and I am also putting out lots of seeds for those poor birds! Keep warm!!
