
Friday 16 March 2018

Let's Get This Weekend Started !

Georgia: I for one am happy to get this weekend started.
I am just plain  happy and relieved.
I had to go to the Vet on Tuesday evening.
When mum came home from work she saw that I was
not feeling well, looked uncomfortable and was sort of
sitting but not quite.Sge figured my back end was giving me trouble.
The Vet determined that I had a urinary tract infection.
A shot of Convenia and a bit of pain meds and I went home.
Now, I am feeling so much better!!
I am ready to enjoy this weekend!

JJ: I am looking forward to more of that nice sunshine.
Mum says I may have to wait until Sunday as
Saturday will be cloudy and quite cool.
Sunday will be cool as well, but sunny!
That will be OK as the porch is enclosed.
I just want some sunshine.

Julie: Come on mum,enough with the pictures!
I want to get on with this weekend where you rub my belly,
scratch my ears,hug me let me on the porch and give me treats!
I like treats and NO I don't want to hear any comments
from you.
Let's just have some FUN!

We purr the fickle weather is good where you live.
We purr you all have FUN plans for the weekend.
Emphasis on the FUN !!


  1. Georgia, we're so sorry to hear you had to go to the fix-it place! We will purr that you continue to improve. In the meantime, all of you have a great weekend!

  2. Georgia, we’re glad to hear you’re feeling better. Enjoy your weekend.!

  3. I'm glad you are feeling better, Georgia! Paws up for a fun weekend!

  4. We're so glad you are feeling better already, Georgia. JJ, we're with you on the sunshine. Julie. your mom has had a long week, so, maybe a bit less bossy would be appreciated. We love you, anyway, though.

  5. We are delighted to hear that you are feeling better, Georgia! We hope you will have lots of sunshine over the weekend. Here, they are forecasting snow for Sunday!

    The Chans

  6. Georgia, JJ and Julie...I want you to always and ever feel good and always have sunshine. Love you. XX

  7. Georgia, we so hope you feel better soon. And JJ we are sending some of our sunshine to you. Just soak it up. Julie, we just know that Mom will give you some nice hugs and good rubs. You all have a fantastic week end.

  8. Y'all look wonderful and I'm sure glad you are feeling better sweet Georgia!

  9. Georgia, I'm sorry you had to go to the vet and you had UTI. Glad you are feeling better.
    I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! xo

  10. i hope you get well soon georgia.

  11. I am glad you are feeling better Georgia. I hope you all have a nice weekend! XO

  12. We send you healing purrs, Georgia, and we hope you feel better soon. Have a great weekend ! Purrs

  13. oh Georgia so happy you are feeling better and we sure hope you all have a great weekend! catchatwithcarenandcody

  14. Georgia, we are so happy you're feeling better! We hope all three of you cuties (and Mum!) have a great weekend. :)


  15. Are you feeling all better now sweet Georgia?

  16. I am glad you are feeling better again now Georgia.


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  18. So glad you're feeling better, Georgia! Hope you're all having a purrfect weekend together :)

  19. georgia.....we waz off line on fry day N iz sorree ya had two go two de place oh eeeeeeeeevil.......glad yur doin way better tho N hope that nastee infectionz stayz a way ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  20. Sure hope the weather becomes nice and springlike and stays that way! What a roller coaster of a winter you all have endured.
    And by now I sure hope there is no more UTI, Georgia.

    Sorry about being lax in visiting for so long...
