
Monday, 28 May 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Oh my, the window is open and the air
smells so nice and fresh.

While it was sunny, mum said it was a bit windy outside.
While she was out changing the Hummingbird feeders,
a Hummer came along and got upset because mum 
was looking around and taking too long to change the feeder!

Ah well, she did finally get the feeder changed for the hummer.

JJ also enjoyed the glorious sunbeams.

They were so nice, he fell asleep.

Julie was having some fun watching the goings on
from her high perch.
That's not all she did this weekend.

To see more of Julie's weekend, pop over to 
 Click the RED link

Friday, 25 May 2018

Let's Get This Weekend Started!!

Georgia: While this was a short week for mum due to the
holiday on Monday, she said it still felt long.
So she is happy the weekend is here.

So am I! I love having mum around.
 She gives pawsome scritches.

 JJ: What?! The weekend already?
Yabba Dabba Do !
I'm ready!

Julie: I'm ready too because that means porch time
and Critter TV!

I love to see the wildlife outside.

One evening this past week I saw Rocky Raccoon !

We also saw a baby squirrel!
It was young and had not learned yo be afraid of humans yet.

He did find the sunflower seeds she put out.

Oops! Now he is starting to get nervous.
He's running away.

He probably thinks she will try to steal his seeds !

How about you. Did you see anything exciting this week?
Did you at least have FUN?
We purr your whole weekend is full of FUN !!

Monday, 21 May 2018

Lazy Victoria Day Cats

We love extra mum days almost as we love sleeping.

As you can see, we all can get along...sometimes.

We make a good kitty pile.

So,mum, what are we doing today?

Well, it IS warm and sunny so you could go
out to the porch. I'll leave the door open for when 
you're ready.

Gee, thanks mum !
WE are really enjoying this extra day with you!

Friday, 18 May 2018

Flashback Friday with Julie

This post first appeared on July 31,2012.

Hi, Julie here, doing my very first post.

Mom dragged me to the Vet last night.I was not happy. 
 The first Vet I saw is on holiday, but I liked this Vet too.
She checked me all over and said I was doing very well.
I gained a whole pound and a smidge!!! Then she gave me 
two needles so I do not get Feline Leukemia.
She also gave me treats! Did I say she was nice?

She looked in my mouth and my eyes and decided that I was 
a young kitty, probably about 3 years old. She gave me 
a birthday month too. We all agreed on April 2009.
After all, what girl does not want to be younger,heehee.
The Vets will monitor my furs to see how they grow.
Some furs are growing back,mostly on my back.
We will watch it more for allergies  after I have my
spay operation in mid August. What I want to know is this,
what is a spay operation???
Hmmmm, I think I need more food. Hey Mom... !

In this post, Mum and the Vet decided on April as my birthday month.
Mum being totally forgetful forgot all about it.
We tend to celebrate our Gotcha Days.
However, our friends  Pipo and Dalton 
did not forget!
They made this really pawsome card.

Thank you so much!! I love it!!

I am looking forward to doing more of this on the weekend.
It will be a great weekend because Mum has an
extra day with us!!

Sunshine(part of the weekend anyway) and an extra mum day
adds up to a FUN weekend!

What are your plans for this weekend?
WE purr they include FUN !!!

Monday, 14 May 2018

JJ Trying to Snooze in the Sun

Julie: Hey JJ,what's ya doin' ?

JJ :Well Julie, I was trying to have a nap in the sunshine.

Julie: Oh yeah, I know what you mean.

This sun IS nice!

It feels so good on my black furs!

 Are you sure you want to sleep JJ ?

Yes Julie, I am quite sure.
These old bones love the heat of the sun.

Yes! Julie is gone. 
Now I can enjoy my sunny snooze.

Julie had more fun on the porch.
To see that.pop over to

Click the red link

Friday, 11 May 2018

Let's Get This Weekend Started!




Mum had a busy week and she is looking forward to the weekend with us!
As you can see, we are looking for the weekend!

How was your week?
Are you looking for the weekend too?
Did you find it yet?
What are you doing?

We purr it includes FUN !

Monday, 7 May 2018

Sunny Post from Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends. 
We finally had a sunny and warm weekend !

It was really nice to be on the porch and absorb the sun.

JJ: I agree Georgia.
The sun feels good on these old bones.

When mum goes away, I'll have a good snooze.

Earl the Squirrel is enjoying breakfast in the sunshine.

Julie enjoyed her weekend too!

To see more of her weekend, pop over to

Click the RED link.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Finally Friday!

Georgia: Well, it's Friday again and I like that!
Mum will be here at home for two days.

JJ : I like mum being home too.
However she says "we" have plans for Saturday
What does she mean by that?
Will I like it?

Julie: I have plans for mum.
I want to sit in her lap when she reads and play on the porch.
She says it's going to be sunny this weekend!
Right now, I'm helping her sort through some pictures.

Are you happy the weekend is here?
What plans do you have?
We purr they include FUN !!