
Friday, 18 May 2018

Flashback Friday with Julie

This post first appeared on July 31,2012.

Hi, Julie here, doing my very first post.

Mom dragged me to the Vet last night.I was not happy. 
 The first Vet I saw is on holiday, but I liked this Vet too.
She checked me all over and said I was doing very well.
I gained a whole pound and a smidge!!! Then she gave me 
two needles so I do not get Feline Leukemia.
She also gave me treats! Did I say she was nice?

She looked in my mouth and my eyes and decided that I was 
a young kitty, probably about 3 years old. She gave me 
a birthday month too. We all agreed on April 2009.
After all, what girl does not want to be younger,heehee.
The Vets will monitor my furs to see how they grow.
Some furs are growing back,mostly on my back.
We will watch it more for allergies  after I have my
spay operation in mid August. What I want to know is this,
what is a spay operation???
Hmmmm, I think I need more food. Hey Mom... !

In this post, Mum and the Vet decided on April as my birthday month.
Mum being totally forgetful forgot all about it.
We tend to celebrate our Gotcha Days.
However, our friends  Pipo and Dalton 
did not forget!
They made this really pawsome card.

Thank you so much!! I love it!!

I am looking forward to doing more of this on the weekend.
It will be a great weekend because Mum has an
extra day with us!!

Sunshine(part of the weekend anyway) and an extra mum day
adds up to a FUN weekend!

What are your plans for this weekend?
WE purr they include FUN !!!


  1. Julie, we're glad you turned out to be a happy, healthy girl. We hope you and Georgia and JJ have a great weekend and a happy Victoria Day. And happy belated birthday to you! (Oh, and our mom is a total spazz about our birthdays too.)

  2. Nice flashback. Happy Victoria Day! Happy Belated Birthday beautiful Julie! XO

  3. Wow, Julie, you have come a long way!

    P.S. My human remembers when you came to live with your family. It was long before I was around!

  4. Belated Happy Birthday, Julie! You grew into a beautiful ladycat.

  5. Julie, what a difference between then and now. :-)

    Belated happy birthday! April is a great birthday month (or so says our biped.)

    Have a wonderful long weekend!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday beautiful Julie, we enjoyed reading about you!

  7. Julie, you are a cutie, and we all wish you a Happy Gotcha Day!

  8. Happy birthday. Enjoyed the flashback.

  9. Great to read your first post, Julie! You have grown into such a gorgeous girl with shiny fur! Happy belated birthday to you xo

  10. Hey Julie, we loved your flashback post today and happy happy happy belated birthday to mew, we hope mew had a beautiful day!

    Bestest birthday purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  11. That was a fun flashback, Julie. You have grown into a beautiful lady cat. Happy Belated Birthday to you, too!

  12. Fun flashback ! Happy belated Victoria Day ! Purrs

  13. We remember when you first came to live with Mum, Julie. How wonderful it is to see this flashback, and to know that it all turned out so beautifully. Happy belated birthday, sweet girl!

  14. And Happy Victoria Day, too! Hugs!

  15. Aww, Julie, you sure became a sleek and beauteous kitty! We are glad you got to be with your Mummy.
    We have had nothing but rain and clouds here this weekend...pffft!
    The sun came out for a wee bit yesterday, but now we have the drizzles again...sigh...
    At least it is not our official long weekend, though petcretary took the day off as a vacation day.
    Happy Victoria Day to you all!

    (Petcretary is a Canadian transplant to the USA...)
