
Monday, 11 June 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I like sitting here and looking out of
the window. The nice breezes are pretty good too.

I hang out in the computer room a lot because mum
spends a fair amount of time here.
She also gives me lots of scritches and I love that.

As it is finally getting warmer, JJ likes to hang out
on the porch. He loves the couch out there.
It is a good place to sleep he says.

He is hoping mum is bringing him a snack.
She will bring him his supper if he is still there
at suppertime.

Julie was on the porch too.
She had a small,unhappy episode on 
Saturday, but she is OK.

To see what happened to Julie,
pop over to

Click the red link.


  1. Georgia, you sure are smart to stick close to Mum so she will give you scritches. And JJ is wise, too, getting Mum to deliver food on the porch!

    Julie, we saw what happened. We hope your tummy's felling better!

  2. Staying near the Human is allus a good idea. Scritchies from the hands, treats from the pockets, and general safe feeling allus.

  3. As the senior member of the household, I see that JJ get some perks.

  4. It looks like you all had a nice weekend. We were sorry to read about Julie's grass attack, but isn't that what grass is supposed to do?

    We are still getting lots of thunderstorms. Sigh...

    The Chans

  5. I hope you all get plenty of treats and have a happy Monday!

  6. You are a very smart girl, Georgia!

  7. Breakfast in bed! Well, someone is treated well, I must say!

  8. Nice view and breeze, and scritches. Sounds like a purrfect place to hang out, Georgia :-) JJ, I would just sit there to get supper delivered every day!
    I'm sorry, Julie, that you had bad episode. But glad you are OK :-) Happy Monday!

  9. That is a smart move to stay near your mum to make sure you get lots of scritches.

  10. guyz....hope yur week oh end total lee rocked; we haz been off line fora few...soundz like it waz what with sun shinez N porch time ! ☺☺♥♥

  11. It sounds like JJ has your mom trained well having his meals served to him on the porch.

  12. we have lots of sun and a nice breeze too!

  13. Warm sunpuddles and comfy sleepy spots are the bets. It's also really nice when Mom brings dinner to your bed!

  14. You are all such cuties. xo

  15. It's getting warmer here, too, and we all love that!

    Sam Sam likes hanging out with me in the studio+computer room, though with the laptop and iPad I sometimes follow her to her favorite spots, too 😸

    Thank you for the kind words and thoughts about Luna.

  16. JJ--- lets exchange ideas. I already make mommy bring my MY foods sometimes if I take to long to go to my placemat. BUT who knows, I may have a few things to share with you too. Wanna text?

  17. You all are just gorgeous kitties. Looks like you all found your perfect spots, too.

  18. Your weekend sounds like it was a wonderful time, sunny and mommy time:) What more could a kitty want!?
