
Friday 20 July 2018

Cats and Critters Friday!

Georgia: The week is finally winding down and I know
mum is happy about that.She said it felt like a long week
but I know she only worked 5 days as usual.
Silly humans!
Anyway, as we get this weekend started, we will 
stary with some close ups of us and some of our
Critter TV.

Yours truly!

 JJ in a sunbeam.

Julie looking straight at you .
She normally does not pose for the camera.

Critter TV
Mr Groundhog, caught with a leaf in his mouth.

3 young raccoons out for an evening snack.

Two Northern Flickers(mum thinks but is not sure)

Have a pawsome weekend friends
and have FUN too!!!!!!!!!!


  1. We always love your Friday posts and the lovely portraits that come with it! The critters are fun too. Yes, those are Northern Flickers. #1 used to get them at her cottage in PEI too!

    The Chans

  2. You and your critters all look so wonderful! Have a fun weekend and enjoy some porch time!

  3. Wow, look at your kitty TV channels; incredible! Your close-ups are pretty darned incredible too. :-)

    Have a great weekend!

    P.S. Our biped says working 5 days a week feels longer and longer...and she gets older. :-P

  4. OMC, look at those birds! You are so lucky! We haven't seen a flicker since we moved. How fun your critter TV is.

    As usual, your closeups are perfect. Julie, you look stunning. Our mom can never get good shots of us black kids.

  5. Great close-up photos! How nice Julie decided to pose for camera today :-) And you have such a fun critter TV!
    Happy Friday and have a fun weekend!

  6. love your closeups. you have much greater variety in critters than the boyz see. generally all we have in our yard are rabbits and squirrels.

  7. You've got some great critter TV, Mickey!

  8. You’ve got some pawsome Critter TV to watch.

  9. You all look great! I hope you are having a nice weekend. XO

  10. Great close-ups, everybuddy! We are especially impressed that Julie looked right at the camera. :)

    Your critter TV is awesome!

    Big hugs!

  11. That's some great Critter TV ! Fabulous portraits of all of you ! Have a great week ! Purrs

  12. Great close ups!
    We used to get way more flickers than we do now...but we do have many other woodpeckers and other birds around:)
