
Friday 13 July 2018

Finally Friday...the 13!

Georgia: Hi friends and welcome to Friday!!!
I know mum is happy it's Friday because work
has been busy with people (not her) on vacation.
But now that the weekend is here, she is happy.
She should be because she gets to spend it with us!

JJ is  happy too as he knows he will get more scritches.
He will be looking for some treats too. Heehee

Mum saw Earl in the yard. He was eating a seed. 
Can you tell he was afraid she might try  and take it?

She told him to relax and eat his seed, so he did.

Mum also saw this young fellow.
Mr Groundhog was out and about and quite nervous
that mum was in such close proximity.
He kept his eyes on her to make sure she did not come closer.

We are all happy it is the weekend and we hope to have
our usual FUN!!
We hope you have FUN too!

Because it is Friday the 13th, Julie
has this special picture for you.


  1. Those critters around your house are mighty suspicious! Happy Friday the 13th!

  2. Oh Georgia, mom and dad are happy it's the weekend, too. Friday the 13th doesn't scare them. As of about 27 hours from now dad's on vacation from work, so he'll be in a better mood. I hope. Have a great weekend!

  3. We are happy weekend is here, too! I hope you get tons of mum time :-)Earl and Mr Groundhog are very cute!
    Happy Friday the 13th and have a great weekend!

  4. I know you will all have a fun weekend and your critters sure are fun to watch!

  5. your mom must be frightening looking :)

  6. Your outdoor buds should know by now that your mum is a friend to all creatures. Have a great and restful weekend, all!

  7. Friday's are always fun, just because one's weekday routine ends! I can spend more time cuddling with kitties...YAY!

  8. Hey, Friday the 13th is a lucky day for all of you! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. Nice photos of you all. I love this photo of Julie, such a gorgeous house panther.

  10. How neat you get to spend the weekend with your mom spoiling you while you watch wild critter TV.

  11. Juie, that last photo of you was LOVELY!!

  12. Hope you're having a purrfectly restful weekend! I've been experiencing the same on vacay means more work for those of us left behind :(

  13. Weekends are always good to have to look forward too...and all those critters, your yard is a haven for them!
