
Friday 10 August 2018

Cats and Critters, the Friday Edition

Georgia: Mum says we are in for another hot and sunny weekend

That means I get to have my baths on the porch.
 I like that,because mum usually brushes me too.
I love getting brushed.

JJ decided that Julie needed a bath.
He is a big groomer here.

None of us mind  grooming by JJ.

It is so relaxing!

Critter TV was pretty good too.
Mum caught this hummer on a wire by the house.

She caught it escaping too !

Earl the Squirrel has  been hanging around a lot.
He got on the porch a couple of times and mum talked to him.
She told him it was best if he did not stay as there were cats.
What?! Did she mean us?! Sheese!
Well, Julie would have given chase that's for sure!
Earl has taken to hanging outside on the deck railings.
He is hoping for nuts.
We think he is nuts!

He does all kind of stuff to look "cute"

Julie: Do I look miffed?
I AM miffed.
Mum won't let me chase that darn squirrel !!!

What FUN will you be having this weekend?
WE bet it will be good.


  1. You are such sweeties, I love it when kitties groom one another. Keep cool and have a great weekend! XO

  2. It looks like you will have some really nice porch time this weekend. I'm working at a cat show, so it is going to be fun (but hot!).

  3. I'd wanna chase those squirrels too!

  4. You look all set for a great weekend! We had a lot of rain yesterday and the temps have cooled right down. The sun is now back and we too are looking forward to a nice weekend!

    The Chans

  5. Sounds like you have a good weekend ahead. Our heatwave has broken and it is raining. It is forecast for most of the weekend, but we desperately needed it.

  6. HA! Toay is sure grooming day! Have a terrific weekend sweeties!

  7. What fun can be had on your porch! Have a wonderful and fun-filled weekend!

  8. Awww JJ grooming Julie is so sweet! He is gentle and caring kitty :-) I think Earl is kinda nuts for coming to the porch lol :-)
    Have a super fun weekend!

  9. i think mom made the right decision... what would you do with the squirrel if you caught him?

  10. You guys always have the best kitty TV!

    We hope you all have a terrific weekend and that you keep cool. We hope you have an air conditioner--seems you guys really need it this summer!

  11. Such snuggle kitties!
    Earl really has a screw loose; he's dancing with the disaster!
    Our heat is turned down a little bit; 80's instead of 90's. Overnights are pleasant, which is half of the battle, really.

  12. It looks like you're ready for a nice weekend ! Purrs

  13. guyz...we thinkz earl kneadz ta go free load foodz frum sum place else...haz him EVER paid for de seed.......yea, we dinna think sew ~~~~ happee week oh end two all :) ☺☺♥♥

  14. It's going to be hot for us also this weekend. JJ is such a sweetheart in the photo. Making sure Julie is nice and clean. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Have a great weekend. Try to stay cool.
    World of Animals

  15. JJ is a sweetheart! Great hummer pics, too. And that Earl! He is definitely playing the cute card. It really is good that Julie can't get to him!

    Have a great weekend, kids, and stay cool!

  16. Your hot and sunny weekend on the porch sounds great, Georgia, JJ and Julie! Even IF your Mum didn't let Earl "hang out" with you. :)

  17. We had some rather hot days too...but you at least get to out on the porch. I bet there are open window breezes and whiffies there!
    I have to stay I only get to sniff whiffies when the days are not hot/humid.
