
Friday, 7 September 2018

Finally Friday !

Georgia: Happy Friday friends!
We love Friday because it is the weekend and 
mum likes it for the same reason.
While it was a shorter week, mum said it was 
busy and felt long.
She is looking forward to snuggling with us.

JJ: I am ready for the weekend because 
I love sleeping on the porch.
I like sleeping in general,heehee.

Julie: I love weekends because mum is home.
I love mum and have to be near her.
I also like sunshine and it will be sunny this weekend.
It will also be a lot less humid!

What are you looking forward to this weekend!
We purr it will involve FUN !!


  1. Every day is the same for me because I am retired now, but before that I worked from home. We are going to visit the shelter cats we sponsor today.

  2. You guys get to relax, but I have a working weekend!

  3. I hope you have a super fun weekend sweeties!

  4. We hope you all have a fantastic weekend! The humidity has cleared out here and temps are mercifully cooler, so it should be a great weekend for all. :-)

    Take care!

  5. It was a short week, but sure felt long! JJ, we love sleeping in general, too :-) Have a fun and relaxing weekend!

  6. We also love it when #1 is home, and she is this weekend!

    The Chans

  7. You three are so cute! Your mum must love reading a book, while you all crowd around.

  8. Sounds like a fun-filled weekend for all of you kitties with mom. We are hoping the weather will cool down some more so we could do some work outside of the office. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful weekend relaxing on the porch.
    World of Animals

  9. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.XO

  10. I was gone much of the weekend much to the boyz chagrin.

  11. My humans have 3-day weekends, but the work week still seems long. I get bored when they're gone all day so I'm much happier when they don't have to work.

  12. You all look great, sweet Georgia, JJ and Julie. We are like you about weekends. We love spending ours with our Mum and Dad, too. :)
