
Friday, 12 October 2018

Finally Friday !

Georgia: After a very wet week, we are looking
forward to some sunshine!
We are looking forward to more mum time too
as mum has been working a bit later this week.
Mum is also looking forward to more cat time!
Can you blame her?
We are very cute ! MOL!

JJ is hoping for more sun to bask in .
This is his "I love sunshine on my body " face.

Julie is looking forward to sun and porch time.
That is normal.
She really is  excited about more mum time.
She follows mum everywhere. MOL!

What are you looking forward to this weekend?
We purr it involves FUN and we wish 
you have lots and lots !
Happy Weekend !


  1. We're looking forward to helping Mum have a big clear out and exploring cupboards and cubbyholes we didn't know existed before!

    Love Laser & McLaren

  2. Happy Friday! We hope you'll have a great weekend, all of you. Our biped hopes for sleep--maybe a nap or two! :-)

  3. Y'all really are seriously cute and I hope you have a terrific weekend!

  4. Awww I love JJ's happy "I love sunshine on my body " face!
    We are looking forward to sunny and cooler temperature. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

  5. it's been cold and rainy in our parts too. i think the boyz think the sun will never return.

  6. I am looking forward to NOT DRIVING TO WORK this weekend, kitties! Sometimes, it feels like it's the only thing I do. I want to nap with Manny and Chili Bruce, and play with Angel, and comb and brush The 'O' Cats this weekend...yay!

  7. What beautiful portraits and we all know you will love the sunny spots you find this weekend.

  8. I hope you enjoy a nice sunny weekend. We have had a storm all day which is forecast to last right through tomorrow. There are lots of trees down in this area and the lights keep flickering so I hope we don't lose power.

  9. guyz....yur cloze upz rock !!!!!! total lee awesum....itz gonna bee brisk heer; knot even sure de windowz will get heetz mite even tern on !!! happee week oh end two ewe all ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  10. I don't blame her one bit for looking forward to spending more time with you cuties!

  11. We hope we get some sunshine this weekend too, though they say it’s supposed to be cloudy.

  12. You are all adorable. I hope you have a nice weekend! XO

  13. Glad you all are having some fun and sun too. You all are looking mighty good.

  14. After wet week, here it is sunny and bright...but petcretary has to go to her work...can't win...MOL!
    Hope your weekend is purrfect in evfurryway!

  15. We sure hope you cuties had some great Mum Time (and sun on the porch time, too) this weekend. Hugs!

  16. We love all your 'relaxing' poses! Purrs and hugs!
