
Monday, 22 October 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends. I do like a nice lay in 
when the morning comes. It tends to be busy around here.

I like to take my time getting up.
Saturday was pretty rainy, but Sunday was
lovely and sunny!

JJ likes to be up and after breakfast, he likes to be on the 
porch.It was sunny on Sunday

This is the view we had on Sunday morning.
It was still a bit misty, but the sun burned it
all away.At the bottom of the hill, you can see
our burning bushes.

Here are some closer pictures.

Off to the side of the house are these tall decorative grasses.
Mum likes grasses and she got these from her sister.

Julie enjoyed her weekend too.

To see more Julie, pop over to

Click the RED link.


  1. Burning bushes are always so colorful in the fall.

    Glad you got some good sun. We also had a wet and sleety Saturday, followed by a sunny Sunday:)

  2. I'm glad your Sunday was sunny!

  3. We're glad you could enjoy some sun on Sunday ! The fall colors are gorgeous ! Purrs

  4. Y'all sure did have a beautiful weekend!

  5. The fall colours are lovely. We had a very blustery weekend, so a lot of our leaves are down now.

    We hope you all have a great week!

  6. the boyz think your view is much nicer than their view. grass is always greener...

  7. Glad you enjoyed sunny Sunday! The view from your home is so beautiful. Such gorgeous autumn colors!

  8. We also had lovely weather on Sunday, but it has been very grey today. #1 thinks she may have to put the heating on soon!

    The Chans

  9. I had plans to nap on Sunday afternoon, but it never happened! I did get a chance to snuggle with Da Boyz though, so that's okay!

  10. i love decorative grasses too - and burning bushes- looks like you are having the same kind of fall we are here in southern ontario! beautiful!

  11. guyz....sum time we iz up N round afutrr
    brek fest, N sum timez we snooze a way ...knot
    ina total lee awesum porch next time
    yur out ther..N joyz for uz two pleez N thanx !


  12. SOrry I am so late. You all look great and your burning bush is very pretty. XO

  13. What a lovely view you have, Georgia, JJ and Julie. That buring bush is awesome, and we are glad you got some sunny weather on Sunday. :)

    Hugs to you all and Mum, too!

  14. You have a lovely view there. No wonder you enjoy it.

  15. Good to see that half the weekend was nice with some beautiful sun shining down on the porch on Sunday. We always love seeing the fall colors starting to change in the trees. You have a great view. Hope you are all having a lovely day. Thanks for the share.
    World of Animals
