
Monday, 1 October 2018

We all Love the Sunny Porch !

JJ: I love to be on the porch when the sun is shining.

Sunshine feels so good on these old bones.

I really enjoy the heat too.

I also enjoy soft places to snooze.
The couch fits that bill quite nicely.

Georgia: JJ is quite right, Sunshine is a wonderful thing.
After all the rain we had this past week.
it is nice to feel those warm rays again.
What better place than on the sunny porch.

Yes, I know that JJ is behind me. 

That is OK because JJ and I are good pals and often
spend time together snoozing.
He is a really nice brother.

Always friendly and calm.

 Not like another sibling of mine!
We do have some good moments, but her ladyship thinks
she is the top cat. We know better.
Still, she does have ger good moments.
 Julie is doing her own post today.

To see Julie's post,pop over to

Click the RED link.


  1. I love to see all you favourite cat friends enjoying the sunshine. I have gone outside too as it is getting warmer. My human is receiving my comments telepathically.

  2. How nice that you had some sunny time on the porch!

  3. It looks like you had some really good sun coming into your porch. It does feel good on old bones so get as much as you can before the cold winter.

  4. Ha ha, "her ladyship", "top cat"- hey wait, that's me to a Tee! Enjoy the sun, the warmth and your week, my friends.

  5. We love the sunshine too. We just wish we were getting some today...nothing but rain here.

  6. we have a dispute about who's in charge of our house too.

  7. We LOVE seeing you on your porch at this time of year!

  8. Nice to see photos of you all enjoying your nice and sunny porch. XO

  9. Each you looks so comfy in the warm glow of the sun!

  10. Those are absolutely fabulous photos!!! We especially love the ones of JJ!

    The Chans

  11. JJ, you are glowing in the sunshine! And you are such a good brofur. Your napping face is sooo sweet :-)

  12. Julie, say it isn't so!
    You don't boss around your oldsters, do you?
    You'd all better take a nap, and think about your actions!

  13. It's a wonderful day when you get to enjoy some beautiful sunshine. Georgia, we know you and JJ are good pals and love to cuddle together during these warm days. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Have a great rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  14. guyz...porch time iz all wayz grate N when ya toss in sum sun yur talkin AWESUM !!!! :) ♥♥☺☺

  15. Y'all look so delighted to be in that wonderful sun!

  16. You guys always manage to leave Mudpie begging me for a sunny porch on our house!

  17. Just like you, JJ and Julie, we like sunshine much better than rain and stuff, too, Georgia!

  18. You three probably have no idea how fond my own momma is of the three of you. But she sure is. I'm not in the least jealous. I'm fond of you too. XXX

  19. That was such a warm sunny porch time you all got to enjoy and bask in! Hope there will be plenty more of these sunny times before the winter sets in.

  20. Yay for sun time on the porch ! Have a great end of week ! Purrs
