
Friday, 2 November 2018

Finally Friday

Georgia: Yay! It's finally Friday!!
That's what mum said.
She also said it felt like a long week.
WE are happy it is Friday too as it means more mumtime!
It also means snuggle time as it will rain on Saturday
but we will see sunshine on Sunday.
That sounds good to me.
As we get ready for the weekend, we offer you our
 Friday Close-Ups!

Her is mine.

Sun Loving JJ 

and  Mum's Shadow Julie!

So, what's on your agenda this weekend?
We purr it will be FUN !


  1. I think this weekend is going to be a working one for both me and my human, so no time off for us!

  2. Happy Friday to you too! It'll be the usual for us this weekend, and it will be cold and rainy tomorrow (has been for a few days now), but we, too, should see some sun on Sunday...we hope! Enjoy your weekend and your mumtime!

  3. We love your close ups and we know you all will enjoy your long weekend!

  4. Kitties, you look marvelous!
    This weekend, I'm taking a class on using my new laptop, and I'm very excited to have it!

  5. it felt like a long week for us too--and way too much rain and little sun! hope next week is brighter!

  6. Great close-ups, efurryone! Snuggling on rainy Saturday sounds good and it seems there will be lots of porch time on Sunday :-)
    Have a great weekend!!

  7. nice close ups... happy weekend.

  8. I always love seeing your closeups. Have a wonderful weekend! XO

  9. Great close ups, guys! We are hoping for some sun this weekend too...but we don’t think it’s likely. Phooey.

  10. Fridays are always great. Time to get ready for some fun times with mum this weekend. Especially, the cuddle times and playing together ones. Thanks for sharing your great close-ups. Have a terrific rest of your weekend.
    World of Animals

  11. Beautiful close-ups ! Have a great week-end ! Purrs

  12. Such great close ups of you cutie pies! We hope your weekend is super wonderful! Love and hugs!

  13. Happy day to all three of you and your mom!! You are all looking beautiful of course and I wish I had some suns today. I have rains. Again.

  14. guyz...yur cloze upz bee awesum thiz week, each N everee one ! we watched de FSG werk in de yard outside while we stayed nice N toastee inn side ;) ♥♥☺☺☺

  15. luverly close ups! the mom am going to be busy working or taking nana places - hope she haz time to cuddles with me.
