
Friday 22 February 2019

Finally Friday Close-Ups

Georgia: Happy Friday friends.
While it was a short work week for mum, she is glad it's Friday.
We got more snow on Thursday and mum had to shovel again.
She did remember to take our pictures too
In this one of me, you can see all my glorious Tortie colours!
You can also see my white whiskers on one side
and black on the other side.
I also have light furs around my neck that look
like a necklace.
Mum says I'm cute and I think she is right.

JJ: Here is my close up. You can see I am  still 
a handsome Tabby in spite of my age.
I have long furs that mum has to work on  a lot
as they do tend to get matted. As an older boy, 
I do not groom myself as often as some areas are hard to reach.
My whiskers ate pretty cool too.

Julie: I am doing a body close up.
My glorious black furs are very soft and silky.
Mum likes that a lot.
I also have some cool white furs at my neck.
My whiskers are pretty cool too.
Also, I can pose quite nicely when I choose to do so.
For my friends, I will pose.

Here is a picture of the new snow we got.
As you can see, the ground is covered in what mum says
is light fluffy snow.
She went out to shovel it out of the way so
the birds can get the seeds she puts out.
While today and Saturday will be sunny, there may be more
snow on Sunday!

We do not mind as we are indoor cats so we will
be indoors having FUN!!!

What will you be doing this weekend?
Hope it includes FUN !


  1. Georgia, we think you are gorgeous! You all pose so nicely when we are wiggle worms when our mom gets out the camera. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow again too, so it's good we're staying in! Have a great weekend!

  2. I loved seeing you three today! Torties always have such interesting markings... just ask Binga! MOL

  3. Great closeups! And such beautiful markings.

  4. Y'all do look wonderful and we love seeing your close ups! Have a fun weekend and keep plenty warm!

  5. You're all gorgeous! We kind of think Julie poses for the camera the best -- haha.

    Boo to snow! You should see it here. Ugh. We're hoping for a bit of a warm up this weekend to take some of it away, before the next round.

    Take care, have a fabulous weekend!

  6. we're supposed to get more snow tonight into tomorrow... so shoveling is in my plans while the boyz nap.

  7. guyz....all yur fotoz bee grate N we hope yur just bout done with snow dayz sew ya can get bak ta open window porch dayz !! ☺☺♥♥

  8. The 'O' Cats seem to be kicking Winter's butt, for which I am grateful. I worry so much about them! I'd put out bird feeders too, if I wasn't 100% sure that The PO'M wouldn't take advantage of the situation.

  9. You all have such gorgeous coat and whiskers! Georgia, it's really cool you have whiskers in two colors! And your necklace is beautiful :-) I hope you all stay warm. Have a super fun weekend!

  10. Those are great closeups of all of you.. Such cuties. Have a nice weekend. XO

  11. Mudpie has a necklace like that too! Torties are such works of art :)

  12. All y'alls are beautiful in your own ways, but I gotta say- and this never gets old- I sure am partial to you, Georgia. Lordy lordy, please keep that snow away from here. Even though I'm indoor-only I don't wanna hear dad bitching about shoveling, whining about his lower back, etc., etc., etc.

  13. We are sorry to be so late commenting! All your close-ups are lovely! And look at that snow1 It has been like spring here for several days, ad we have all but forgotten what winter feels like! We wish we could send you some of our spring!

    The Chas

  14. We certainly did enjoy your closeups, Georgia, JJ and Julie. Each of you is beautiful in your own special way! Good job staying inside. We hope the shoveling is not too hard for your Mum. Stay warm, sweet pals!

  15. Guys I could have sworn I commented! I am beginning to think something is wrong with the iPhone settings. I do fine when I am on the iMac.

  16. Beautiful portraits of you all ! We hope you had a pawsome weekend ! Purrs
