
Monday, 22 April 2019

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends and happy Monday!
We are having a pawsome weekend.
Mum was home for 4 days!!!!
She took today off and is going to a sister's
place to have an Easter dinner with her siblings.

We had a pretty good weekend. 
It was not sunny, but it did not rain either. 
Mum spent a good while cleaning and has lots of bags 
to throw out and donate.
We enjoyed having her around as she loves to
give us scritches and belly rubs.

Mum even took some time to work on JJ's furs.
They tend to get matted easily and when she does
not get to them tight away, he gets big matts.
It is a long process  and JJ is pretty good about
it...for a while.

He does like the attention though and the treats!

Julie is showing her raspberry. She thinks
mum should put the camera down and brush her!

She will also be happy when mum takes away the bags
she has all over the porch!
Mum says it's Spring cleaning.

Our snow is gone and all the rain we have had
is making the grass turn green!

The birds still like coming for seeds as other food sources
have not started growing yet.

The only thing we would really like to see now
is some sun!The forecast is for cloud/rain for the 
whole week and coolish temps!
It was pretty cloudy and rainy last week!


  1. Four days with Mum? That sounds so awesome, Georgia! From the sounds of it, the only thing that would have made it better was more sun. :)

    Big hugs! XO

  2. We're glad you had a nice Easter celebration ! Yay for four days with your mom, enjoy ! Purrs

  3. Hi guys! Our weather has been dismal too, but at least the rain is bringing green grass and flowers.

    We're glad your mom took an extra day off...ours did too!

    Good for your mom for spring cleaning! Our biped was in a frenzy of cleaning on Good Friday, but not so much after that.

    As always, we love your bird TV! We don't get that much, as we don't have a view here, but our biped was out for a long walk yesterday and saw tons of red-breasted merganser ducks. She'd never seen them before, even though they stop here spring and fall. Timing is everything! :-)

    Have a lovely Monday and we hope you get lots of sunshine soon!

  4. I am sure glad you had a fun Easter weekend and you all look ready for a great week too!

  5. sounds like you all had a great weekend. the boyz enjoyed open windows this weekend.

  6. Hooray for 4 days with your mom!!!! Hope that you get some sunshine soon - I am enjoying my sun puddles in the catio!

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  7. I would never leave a plastic bag on my porch. Millie likes to pee on plastic :) I am glad you had a nice weekend. Great photos- I love that little tongue.

  8. Sounds like you had a nice Easter! My human knows all about mats - Boodie needs to have hers dealt with. And even Binga gets a few, now that she's older.

  9. Good to hear you enjoyed your long weekend. Hope you get some sunny days soon!

  10. It’s so nice you got your mum home for four days! Sounds like she is busy with spring cleaning. Reminds me that I need to do some cleaning, too :-)
    Great photos of efurryone! Have a wonderful new week! xo

  11. Wow, your mum was so industrious! I sat in my jammies most of the day on Sunday, even though I thought about working in the garden...but, I just thought about it...

  12. Looks like we ALL did a lot of heavy cleaning. My mommy did too. Boy she spent a long time Saturday cleaning and some on Sunday later in the day. JJ, Admiral used to get so many matts as she got older. She had lot of curly furs. She made a blog a few days ago showing her napping and her curls were just popping out all over.

  13. Kids, it sounds like you had a great long weekend! Tell your mum spring cleaning is fine, but no throwing away cat toys!

  14. guyz...we was gonna say we hope de hare waz good two ewe all but we see what him leeved on de yard ~~~~~~~~~~

    faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!


  15. What a wonderful long weekend getting attention from Mom. Glad it was a relaxing time

  16. I (Marley) dont like getting mats combed loose. So TBT has to do it slowly and carefully over a few sessions.
