
Monday 29 April 2019

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well, we had a mixed weekend. Lots  of rain
om Saturday and sunny on Sunday.
Naturally as indoor cats we did not mind and
\as mum did not have to go anywhere, she did
not mind either.She only went out to feed the birds.

JJ was enjoying the sun and the extra warmth!
So was another cat.

Julie: She's behind me with the camera isn't she?

Hi mum! 
Yup, just absorbing the rays.

The scene Saturday night.
Yup, we were lazy cats. MOL!

When it was not pouring on Saturday,
Mr Groundhog came out to feed.
He is pretty nervous so mum had to be sneaky and
not move to fast in order to take his picture.
She took this from the kitchen window.

All in all a pretty good weekend.
How was your weekend?


  1. A good weekend ... hoping it means a good week to come! Y'all look mighty content ... Awww Monday!

  2. Glad you all had a good weekend. We just got back from 2 weeks on a cruise. That was also a mix, hot and sunny....and 2 storms at sea. Luckily rough seas don't affect us, we just sleep better with the rocking of the ship.

  3. Y'all sure look terrific and I'm happy your weekend was a good one!

  4. It's always a pleasure t see three beautiful cats enjoying suns...or not. As long as I can see you. XXXX

  5. Seriously, you guys have the BEST kitty TV EVER!

    We're glad you had a nice weekend, regardless of what Mother Nature was doing, and hope you all have a great week too!

  6. mr. groundhog is pretty darn cute.

  7. We had the same wet weekend but we are insiders too. Looks like you all had a nice time napping and window watching

  8. guyz....yur week oh end waz just like R's but phil dinna stop bye fora vizit.....him never doez any mor !!! ☺☺♥♥

  9. You all look great ! We got a wet weekend too, we hope you get some sun soon. Purrs

  10. The weatherguessers warned of tidal waves, earthquakes, and locusts, as well as inches of snow...but none of it materialized! Sunny but cool yesterday, today is cold and wet. I tried to nap with Da Boyz for a little while too; who cares what the weather is like when Da Boyz are draped all over?

  11. We have had a lot of rain lately too. Glad you had a good weekend despite the weather. XO

  12. We're glad to see your critter TV reception wasn't hampered by the weather!

  13. I'm glad you guys got SOME sun this weekend!

  14. Glad you had a nice weekend. Being lazy is the best way to spend a day, isn't it? :-) Julie looks extra shiny in a warm sun!
    That's a great capture of Mr Groundhog! Have a wonderful new week!

  15. What a lovely weekend you all had!! Julie those sunbeams make your fur look extra shiny! Great photos of everyone!

  16. Wow, given the size of OUR groundhogs, that is one HUGE tree stump!

  17. Hooray for some good old fashioned sun time, Georgia, JJ and Julie! And we like that Mum got to stay home with you cuties when it rained. :)
