
Friday 14 June 2019

Finally Friday Close Ups!

Georgia: WE are ready to get this weekend started!
It was a busy week for mum and there was a 
little crisis with Julie.
Fortunately, all is well and we can look
forward to a nice relaxing weekend!
WE thought we would do our close ups since
mum was pretty lazy about taking pictures ;)
Here is mine.

JJ being sidelit with the sun.

Julie is still a bit miffed at mum for taking her to the Vet.
But then, she is not a fan of posing for the camera
at the best of times.

The Groundhog dropped by to snack on some weeds.
Mum says he/she is very nervous and runs at the
slightest sound.

Julie at the Vet screaming to go home!
She was quite wobbly at breakfast and  fell when
trying to jump up on a cabinet.Then she ran away 
and went under the bed.Mum took her to the Vet.
While nothing big presented itself, her
white blood cell count was low,indicating  there 
may be infection or injury and her temp was up.
They gave her some fluids and Convenia.
Thursday she was feeling much better but not 100% yet.
She will get lots of cuddles this weekend .
WE think we all will!

What will you be doing this weekend?
We putt it involves lots of FUN!!


  1. Nice closeups! Hope you're feeling all better soon Julie!

  2. I hope Julie is recovered enough to enjoy the weekend, and that she is ALL better soon!

  3. Purrs to Julie, that she recovers fully quickly.

    And we hope you all have a fantastic weekend, with plenty of sunshine!

  4. I hope Julie is soon feeling much better.
    Lovely close ups of all of you.

  5. You all look most wonderful and we're all sending purrs and prayers to you sweet Julie. Feel better soon sweetie.

  6. That is very scary with Julie. I'm glad she is feeling better. I hope she will fully recover soon! She does look very unhappy at the vet...! Enjoy your relaxing weekend :-)

  7. Yes, we saw Julie's vet visit on FB, and am glad to hear she's feeling better! Seems like a good weekend for cat naps, snuggles, and reading a book or two.

  8. Poor Julie. We hope she feels better soon! We know the weekend will help. :-)

  9. Julie will be alright. JJ...whooooo wheeeee. Handsome Handsome. Georgia...what a beautiful face.

  10. Purrayers for Julie, and the rest of you to stay well !

  11. You all have had a busy week. Poor Julie. Vet visits are a pain, but very grudge-worthy, teehee - Tom x

  12. Poor Julie. I will add her to my prayer list. XO

  13. We hope your weekend is going well, sweet friends. How is Julie doing? XO

  14. Oh, Julie, I hope you soon will be feeling 100%!

    Have a wonderful Canada Day weekend!

    We'll be flying our Canadian flag here too...petcretary is a Canadian:)
