
Friday 21 June 2019

Friday Close ups!

Georgia: Well, today is pretty rainy. That means mum will get wet.
She says that is OK as the weekend looks to be sunny!
We also get to say "Happy Summer Solstice" at 12:54 pm,ADT
Woo Hoo! Summer is here!!!
Guess that means plenty of porch time ahead.
It also means many lazy days,at least for us. MOL!
Today, we are sharing close ups.
Happy Summer Solstice to you!!



Blueberry blossom


Lots of daylilies!

Summer means FUN!
What will you be doing on this 1st Summer
weekend? Hope it will be FUN !!


  1. Great close ups you kitties. Love the pictures of the flowers too. Have a super Friday.

  2. Beautiful closeups. Happy Summer! Have a great weekend! XO

  3. Great closeups! I'm hoping for some summer bacon!

  4. Yes, I'm here!

    Oh, you mean the OTHER summer!

  5. Yeah, I (Marley) got caught out in the rain here yesserday. But I know where ta hide. and came out dry.

    The daylillies are bootiful...

  6. Happy Summer! Our "summer" isn't shaping up to be really hot, which is just as well for us all.

    Enjoy your weekend and your porch time. :-)

  7. Such wonderful close ups and pretty flowers too. Enjoy your weekend sweeties!

  8. Lovely close ups and lovely flowers too. At last we have sun and warm temperatures! 17C today and set to reach 22C by Tuesday but we have to pay for that with thunderstorms.

  9. it's supposed to rain here all weekend. :(

  10. Happy Summer Solstice and more porch time for you :-)
    Great close-ups. And the flowers are very pretty!
    Have a great weekend! xo

  11. Am pretty sure I've never seen a blueberry blossom before...they are cute! But, let's face it, you three kitties are much cuter than even a blueberry blossom! Have a great weekend!

  12. I have never EVER seen a blueberry blossom! COOLIO! And you three look super...shiny, healthy and happy. XXX smoochies to all of you from my mommy, she said.
    Mommy is leaving me here but she, and the entire family are going to Cades Cove in the Smokies. There should be some good photo ops.

  13. Beautiful portraits, beautiful flowers! Our weekend is supposed to be nice too, although we are getting a lot of smoke drift from wildfires in Arizona. Anyway, guess what? We were NOT bothered by Mom for the Strawberry moon because it was cloudy! She was disappointed, though.

  14. Pretty kitties ... pretty flowers ... welcome to the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer!

  15. What gorgeous close ups! YOU guys are great cat models and those flowers are so pretty.

  16. Wonderful close ups indeed. Well, I'll be napping and mom and dad will be doing errands and reading as dad's on call this weekend, but you can be sure they'll be back at the beach next weekend!

  17. Such lovely close ups and flower shots, sweet pals. Yay for Summer! That means more sun (hopefully) and porch time for you!

  18. LOVE your beautiful close ups!...XO...J, Halle, Sukki

  19. We are happy that summer is here. We love the start of the summer with some great close-ups of you all. Thanks for the share. Have a great day and start the summer fun.
    World of Animals

  20. Summer arrived here too, just in time to het us up with a broken AC,,,sheesh, at least it got fixed toady:)

    Happy Summer and enjoy your porch time sessions!
