
Monday 8 July 2019

Summer Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: We has a very Summer like weekend.
That means it was hot! Sunday was a bit better as we had
a lovely breeze.

 A good day to be on the porch. Our new porch door 
.has a nice screen in it . It lets the breeze in nicely

JJ is doing well, though showing his age.
He gets around, though his walk is a tad wobbly.

He still has a wonderful appetite though!

On Saturday, mum put the cat tree on the porch.
Julie enjoyed sitting in it as she had a pawsome
view of all the birds and critters!

She was quite happy.

She laid on the porch couch next to mum
"Rub my belly" she said to mum and mum rubbed her belly.
Mum loves kitty bellies.

How was your weekend ?
What did you do?


  1. Your weekend sounds way better than was hot and muggy here, plus petcretary had to work...oh well, that's how we get our noms and medicines, so we kind of have to let her go, MOL!

  2. How cool that you had the cat tree on the porch!

  3. Sounds like you three had a glorious weekend, dear Georgia. It was hot here and dad worked about half a day Saturday and most of the day yesterday since he was on call for work anyway. It's hard to plan stuff or go do anything when on call, and he seems to be bitching more and more lately about it. I think he's just hot. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  4. It looks like you all had a great weekend! It was unbearably hot and muggy on Saturday, but finally it cleared out and Sunday was gorgeous, today too.

    We hope you have a great week, with lots of sunshine and porch time, at least after your mom's home from work! :-)

  5. we had summer weather too. lots of baseball watching in between naps.

  6. We had a hot summer weekend, too. Glad you enjoyed a lovely breeze :-) JJ looks great and it's wonderful that he has a good appetite. I see Julie enjoying porch time in the cat tree! And belly rub :-)
    Happy Monday and have a fun week!

  7. We have had a lot of hot hot weather too. Purrs dear friends

  8. It has been very hot and muggy here the past 2 weeks, and still is. We had friends staying for a week so Sunday was spent catching up with the laundry. At least the hot weather meant it dried quickly out on the line. Far too hot for ironing though!

  9. Glad you all had a great weekend. The nice Sunday breeze was a treat for you I guess after all this humidity recently. The cat tree on the porch must be the best for you all. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  10. Your porch sounds like the purrfect place to be on a hot summer’s day.

  11. Such a wonderful weekend,you had and your photos are so wonderful too!

  12. JJ...mommy sends smoochies straight to you. Girls, JJ...I was deserted again today! Mom ran off to the big city to be with the Sticky One and his mom. They went to a kids museum. *I* however had to sit hereat home...worrying and fretting and walking my little legs off.

    OH! Georgia, JJ and Julie mommy read in FB that Ernie, the island Cat, LOVES having his armpits massaged! Have you all tried that with your mom? I am going to make my mom rub my armpits next opportunity!!

  13. Cat tree on the porch? Your mom is one in a million!

  14. I love kitty bellies too- I would love to rub yours :) Have a great week! XO

  15. Hey, JJ ... anytime you feel wobbly, I will let you use my walker or my cane, I don't mind sharing and us oldies sometimes need a little extra help! Hang in and hang on sweetie!

  16. It has been super hot here, too, Georgia, but we are enjoying sunpuddles and looking at Bird TV through the windows. Your new porch door sounds awesome. JJ, we are glad you still have a hearty appetite. If you feel wobbly, just take snack break, okay? And Julie, we would love to rub your belly!
