
Friday 2 August 2019

Finally Friday!

Georgia: As mum is preparing our post, it started to thunder outside!
It is suddenly dark and erie too.
Mum thought she better get our post up in case
the power goes out.
Now it is hailing!!!
We are keeping it simple with some close ups.
Hope you enjoy them.

The ever photogenic JJ

Miss No I will not look at the camera...Julie!

We purr you all have a FUN weekend .
If it is hot where you are, we purr it cools off.

PeeEss: The storm moved out  without any loss of power.
It is still a bit muggy though.


  1. Ya'll are so sweet!
    Julie is like Pipo, no looking at the camera...well, hardly ever.

    Glad you did not lose power.

  2. I'm glad you got your blog post out, and no power loss too! I call that a double win.

  3. You all take lovely close ups, even if Julie won't look at the camera.
    I am glad the storm didn't cause any power cuts.

  4. Beautiful close-ups ! We hope you didn't get power loss ! Purrs

  5. We always love your close-ups!

    We're glad your storm moved on quickly with no power outage or damage. Have a safe and happy weekend!

  6. You are all looking wonderful!

    Have a great weekend.

    Tama and Genji

  7. Love those close ups sweeties and I'm sure glad you didn't lose power. Have a fun, fun weekend!

  8. Glad you didn’t lose power... happy weekend.

  9. Happy Friday!!! We love the sweet close-ups of you all. Hope the storm didn't last too long and helped cool down the temperatures. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
    World of Animals

  10. Good thing the storm wasn’t too bad. We’re happy to see your faces. Have a great weekend!

  11. WE think you are all photogenic!
    Glad the storm passed by.

  12. OH you each have the sweetest most beautiful faces ever! You do. And JJ, I already told you I have a bit of a crush on you though Kozmo has been a beau.

  13. Oh, this is Katie...I'll make momma log out of that blog she's in.

  14. Beautiful photos as usual, kids! We have a storm nearby here now and hope we get it. It is hot and humid and we need a break!

  15. Glad you didn't lose power. Have a nice weekend! XO

  16. Such great close-ups, efurryone!
    I’m glad the storm passed without causing power outage :-) Have a wonderful weekend xo

  17. OOH! We sure are glad you did not lose power, sweet pals. That stprm sounded like it was pretty crazy. Happy weekend! XO
