
Monday 18 November 2019

Monday Musings with Georgia and Julie

Georgia: Sunday, we had some sun and it was pretty nice
on the porch. Good thing we got to enjoy it
because the rest of the week is going to be rainy!

I jumped from tha couch to the window ledge.
Mum was too slow to catch me in action.

I may be 16, but I can still be fast and jump quickly!

Julie: Mum, why do you have to take pictures 
when I'm trying to sleep?
Mum: Because your fans like to see you.

Fans?!   Hi there ! Nice to see you.
I am enjoying the warm sun on the porch.
It really feels good. Great for snoozing too!


  1. I'm glad you guys got some sun! We are going to have a couple of rainy days here too.

  2. We're glad, too, that you got some sunshine! Looks like you both had a lovely weekend.

    We're hoping for a bit of a warm-up this week from our record-setting deep freeze, so even if we get some rain, it will be welcome. Better than snow and ice!

  3. Georgia, you are very athletic and gorgeous 16 year old kitty! And Julie, thank you for fan service! We are waving at you :-)

  4. we're your biggest vans so we are always glad when your mom shows pictures of you...

  5. Housepanthers warmed in the sunshine are a hand-magnet for humans, Julie! Georgia, has anyone told you that you have beautifully colourful furs?

  6. You two are way beyond cute and I hope you have a terrific week!

  7. We hope you had a fun weekend with the beautiful sunshine out. Georgia, you are just pawsome at the age of 16. Hopefully you don't get too much rain this week. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day.
    World of Animals

  8. What a beautiful sunny day ! Enjoy ! Purrs

  9. We’re glad you got some sunshine and had a good weekend.

  10. I didn't know you are 16. You look like a kitten. Have a nice week! XO

  11. Hi, you two gorgeous girls! We're glad you had a fun weekend in the sun.

  12. waves two ewe gorgeouz galz.....we hope ewe due knot getz all de rainz N ya can still N joy sum BURD FREE porch time....
    N georgia....we can all hope ta look az grate at 16 !! ♥♥☺☺

  13. We had a wee bit of sunshine a few days ago, but now its cloudy again. At least it is not as bitterly cold as it had been, and the dump of snow we had is almost gone again...

    You sure are agile, Georgia! Julie, I am with you, naps should not be interrupted!

  14. Georgia, you make momma just squeeee! You are so gorgeous in your coat of many colors. Julie, as Eastside Cats mentioned, a sunpuddle warmed House Panther is irrestible to human hands.

  15. We are glad you got some sun before your cloudy week, Georgia and Julie. You are both gorgeous, by the way. Hugs to you and Mum!
