
Monday, 20 January 2020

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well once again you find me in my favourite 
place. I love the computer room as it is cozy and mum
spends a lot of time in here.
Sometimes, she lets me have my meal in here.

Now I can relax and wash my face.

Julie is in her favourite place...the kitchen.

 She too has just finished her supper.
Lip smackin' good!

 She is good about washing her face.

Making sure there are no bits of dinner on her face .
Her eating spot is on the windowsill and yes she is
on the counter.Needless to say mum spends a lot
of time washing them.Mum is pretty sure Julie is 
on the counters when she is not home. MOL!

Sunday was pretty messy as far as the weather was concerned.
We had snow!  Heavy wet snow!
Saturday was sunny and cold.
You can see Earl keeping his front paws/claws 
close to his body for warmth.
Julie spent a lot of time watching him too! MOL!!
We are looking forward to the end of the week
and much warmer temps!!


  1. I'm glad you both have your favorite rooms, and they don't conflict!

  2. It is good to have your own favourite spaces. I think Julie would like to invite Earl in to the warmth for dinner!

  3. Ditto Summer's comment!

    We think Earl should be invited in for dinner too. Haha.

    We had 20 cm of snow, but we have NO complaints at all! Our human was watching a lot of the coverage from St. John's and area...mind-boggling and a terrible situation for so many.

    You all take care and have a great week, be safe!

  4. Hi Georgia and Julie. I love the lip smackin' photos. It must have been really good meal :-)
    Earl will be very happy when warmer temps moves in!

  5. Georgia, the computer room looks like a comfy room for a meal and a good nap. We love the good eating photos that you shared. We hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Thanks for sharing the great photos.
    World of Animals

  6. You both totally deserve your comfy spots and it's so nice your Mum helps you enjoy them!

  7. We certainly were thinking of you this past weekend when we saw all that weather! We are glad to know you are A-OK and that your rooms were nice and warm and that all is well!

  8. Georgia, I think we use the same food bowls as you have!
    We saw some footage of the huge amounts of snow that fell in Nova Scotia, while we suffered under about 6 inches of the stuff...then rain, then ice!
    On the upside, I spent all day Sunday with Da Boyz sleeping on my legs...

  9. It's nice that each of you has a favorite place of his own ! Purrs

  10. You have your mom trained well that she feeds you wherever you want. :)

  11. You know, I have MY mom trained well too, Georgia. She will sometimes bring my supper in to the computer room.

  12. Georgia, your mum is so nice to let you have dinner in cozy comfort! Our mom lets Elliott eat on the counter but only because of Izzy the Food Pest. Poor little Earl, he looks like he's freezing. We're glad you're not in St. John's--OMC, just awful!

  13. Our elder Buddy Budd gets to eat his meals on the table and in bed at treat time. We enjoyed seeing you both nom and do your after meal wash. That is the most impawtent part for us cats. Wow we like watching Earl too.

  14. hay ewe gals....why knot inn vite lunch brake......ooopz....we meen fora bit a warm two ;) ♥♥☺☺

  15. Nice to see you 2 cuties. Thank you for the kind words you left for me on my blog for the loss of Millie. XO

  16. A place for everyone and everyone in their place! We are quite the groomers and washers, aren't we? Have a great week, y'all.

  17. How great that you two have favorite spots, Georgia and Julie. And you are both so good about cleaning up after your meals. :)

    Glad to hear warmer weather is on its way.

    Hugs to you and Mum!
