
Monday 27 January 2020

Monday Musings with Julie

Julie: Sunday we  had a lot of wind and rain!
Wind makes mum a bit nervous as we have some big trees 
near our house.Wind is also noisy sometimes.
Sitting up here, I have a nice view of the back deck.

When I want a closer view of the deck, I sit on the box.
It is nice as it is next to the floor vent so I am warm.
You can see Georgia next to the water bowl.
She is reminding mum to refill the water.

In spite of the wind and rain, Earl was outside
eating the seeds mum puts out.

You cannot see the rain in this picture, or the wind,
but you can see where snow has been washed away.
That will make it easy for mum to get around 
and tend the birdfeeders.
We will be looking forward to seeing sun for the rest 
of the week and seasonal temperatures.
For us, we always have comfy temperatures indoors!


  1. We have not had much bad wind past few days, but we did get lots of rain and fog...and the leftover snow is a soggy yucky mess...
    I, Pipo am glad I can stay inside, watch the critters and burds and stay warm and you also do!

  2. I'm glad you will be getting some sun - sun means sun puddles!

  3. We have wind and rain warnings too. At the moment it is hailing and the ground is white.

  4. It's a pretty nasty day here today. #1 says it's the perfect day to have surgery!

    Tama and Genji

  5. We didn't have high winds this weekend, but we had sleet, a ton of rain, heavy/wet snow, more rain, etc. How many days till spring?

    Enjoy the week and your "tv" channel out the windows! :-)

  6. just listened to our forecast for the week and they said, 'don't expect to see the sun anytime soon...' at least the temperatures are moderate.

  7. Yucky wind and rain is no fun but I hope you get that sunshine soon sweeties!

  8. Oh my mommy has tall trees around the house too and it always makes her nervous when the wind is blowing hard!

  9. Wind makes me nervous, too. It's great to be indoors for sure :-)
    I hope you get to enjoy lots of sunshine this week!

  10. We had a lot of wind and rain too on Saturday night. Good idea to remind Mum to keep the water changed :) XO

  11. wavez two ewe galz....for sure itz grate ta bee abe bull ta bee OUT, but on dayz like that iz even more grate ta bee IN !!! happee week a head ~~~ ♥♥

  12. Oh kitties, when the wind blows hard around here, stuff hits the house and makes noises! AND we too have huge trees, so after a storm, we never know what we'll find.

  13. We're glad you could stay warm inside ! Purrs

  14. We’re glad the wind and rain didn’t affect the big trees. We’ve had lots of clouds and rain too...we would love some sunshine soon.

  15. We're supposed to get some sun tomorrow! It sure is nice to be an indoor kitty.

  16. Julie, our mom also used to get nervous about the trees she had back at the house. Sometimes, when it was REALLY howling, she'd sleep in a different bedroom--one without a tree near it! The wind still howls but we are tree-safe here. And like you, glad we're indoor cats! Have a great week!

  17. I agree, rain is ok, but we don't like too much wind.

  18. We had that same storm come through. It was a heavy rain all day. Glad to see you looking pretty Julie and Georgia

  19. Well, we are glad you cuties are safe and warm inside!
