
Monday 13 April 2020

Signs of Spring with Julie

We love Spring! The snow is gone, the days are
getting longer and warmer too.
Mrs Earla the Squirrel is also showing  that she is
ready for Spring. 

You can see her gathering the dried grass
in our yard.

She will be making a new fresh nest.
Chances are that there will  be new squirrels  soon
to run around the yard.
Too bad we cannot go out to chase them, 
 but then we never go out. Dang!

We stay indoors and nap like Georgia

Or we lay on the floor, look cute, and get belly rubs!
I love belly rubs!

What do you like about Spring?


  1. Spring! Ahhh, the nicely scented whiffs through newly opened windows...birds galore,and pretty blooms. Live the cherry tree, too when it blossoms...which it should do in a few days if its warm enough.

    Happy Easter and Happy Springtime!

  2. Ugh, it's still wet and (California) wintery here! So far, this spring has greatly disappointed me.

  3. You will soon have baby squirrel TV to watch!
    It is another sunny day here but with a gale force easterly wind which has brought the feels like temperature down to +2C. No sitting out in the sun today!

  4. Derry got to chase his first big insect last night, I could see him out there after it, though couldn't tell what it was. So he'd probably say he loves spring for the insects he can chase (and catch). Plus the grass he can eat (and throw up later).

    Spring is my favourite season, so I love seeing every new bloom, see the grass turning green, the leaves budding, hear all the birds...It's just a glorious time of year for me, even with the current global pandemic and the mess we're all in.

    You all take care, keep well and stay safe!

  5. Mrs Earla is so cute! I would love to see baby squirrels running around in your yard!
    I bet you got lots of belly rubs, Julie. You are looking so irresistible :-) What we love about spring are nice temperature, window whiffs, lovely flowers, etc. It's a great time of the year :-)

  6. Inquiring (and ignorant) kitties want to know : how can you tell if a squirrel is an Earl or an Earla ? We don't have squirrels around here, so we're asking you as we can't ask them. Purrs

  7. Julie and Georgia, we have a mom-to-be Mallard Duck and her consort visiting all over the yard, hoping to find a place to nest! Oh dear, The PO'M probably won't allow that to happen...

  8. Awww, you two are such cuties and your squirrel gal pal is darn cute too. Enjoy your Spring weather sweeties!

  9. Those squirrel pictures are the greatest. And we always like to see those kitty kats. Have a great day.

  10. i usually love spring because it means the return of baseball. that's not happening...

  11. We're glad that spring has finally come your way. Here, everything is just exploding in our garden! #1 seems very busy each and every day doing this and that out there!

    Tama and Genji

  12. I would love to rub your tummy for you. XO

  13. You sweet girls! And a new mama there to watch!

  14. Georgia and Julie, yesterday one of our hummer pals came by to visit! Mom had to get a feeder out and nectar ready, since it's a few weeks early for them to come back. And then do you know what? It snowed all day today and is supposed to be below freezing tonight and tomorrow night! We hope they'll be OK. Mom will have to take in the feeder so it won't freeze and crack.

  15. We know it’s spring because we saw baby geese the other day!

  16. G & J

    we iz typin frum a stolen cell ewe lar; tell mum ta chex her emailz....

    ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥

  17. We like that we have a new Cat Fence so we will be going out to see all the critters. Lots of life and that is what we all need to see

  18. Mrs. Earla sure is industrious. You are right, Julie. She'll proably have some cute little babies for you to watch real soon. You and Georgia both look adorable today (and always). :)

    Yay for spring!

  19. Spring has sprung.
    The grass is riz.
    We wonder where
    The mousies iz!

  20. Mrs Erala is working hard to get her nest ready for new arrivals. And YOU will at least have some fabulous TV to watch as she brings them out on learning expeditions. And you two girls look beautiful today. Mom always wish she could snuggle you both.
