
Friday 4 June 2021

Birds,Groundhogs and Grass!!!!!!!!!!!

  Like a bird on the wire...
That what mum thought when she saw these pigeons.

Guess they were waiting to see what goodies there
were in the yard for eating.I 'm pretty sure they
know mum puts out seeds.

This Groundhog likes this patch too. It is close to her/his
 home. I don't think he bothers with the seeds, but
maybe. I'm not sure what a Groundhog likes.

I know what I like...GRASS!!!!!
It is tasty!

Have you tried grass? It's really good!

This is the look I give mum when she says it's time 
to come indoors. I like it outside, but she will not
let me stay out alone. Darn!
Oh well, at least I get to go out a bit!

 While it is a bit rainy this morning, it should be
sunny when she comes home and sunny all weekend!
I am looking forward to more FUN in the grass!!!
Or should I say "Splendor in the Grass" MOL!
Gee, mum is weird. She referenced two movies in this post.

All I really want is the grass!!!!
Have a  FUN  weekend !!!

PS: Sorry to the Trout Talkin Tabbies for mentioning
and showing pictures of birds.


  1. You are the boss of all your many varied species.

  2. Happy weekend to you, Julie! It's a good thing you don't have a tin roof, or your human would have yet another movie to reference.

  3. You have a lot of pigeons! Most of them stay in the woods here, but two go in the pittosporum tree near our bedroom window and make the most awful racket early in the morning. I hope you get lots of outdoor time this weekend.

  4. Those pigeons look like they are having a convention!

    Groundhogs eat a lot of vegetation...
    They might like your grass, too, Julie! Don't them steal it!! LOL!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. My gosh, LOOK at the pigeons! That's a lot all in a row. Were they talking to one another? Mom's never seen that many together.

  6. Fresh, spring grass is the best, Julie.

    When the biped sees a flock of birds, she think of the Alfred Hitchcock movie, "The Birds." :-P

    Happy Friday, have a terrific weekend!

  7. Julie, someone that I am very close with (me) has been known to get on her knees and chew grass with the kitties! Both inside cat grass and outside grass (we don't use any chemicals in our yard!)
    No cat have every really enjoyed having a human chew grass with them, however.

  8. You sure have fun critters and birds there sweet Julie and I hope you have a fun and out n' about weekend!

  9. thatz oh kay julie; we skipped over de fotoz oh de 93,138 BURDZ, said HI ta phil quik lee N ended thiz post ona happee ♫ ♪♫♫♪♫♪ with bee in abe bull ta see yur gorgeouz self....heerz two a grazz filled week end ♥♥♥

  10. That is neat how they all lined up. You are a good girl to go inside when your mum tells you too. Have a wonderful weekend full of grass and brushies. XO

  11. My childhood cat Patch used to love the grass too...until he puked it! MOL

  12. Those critters know where to come for the good stuff, Julie. And we love that you got outside and enjoyed some grass. Hope you are having a FUN weekend with Mum! XO

  13. MOL! The last photo made us giggle! We'd love to see all of those birds on a wire.
