
Friday 18 June 2021

Grass makes a Nice Light Snack!

Julie: I was outside last night for a short while.
The grass is looking pretty tasty.

Should I eat some?
Yup! Silly question!

I had a good chomp and it was good!!

This is the Rhododendron in our yard.
As you can see, it is quite big

 Mum says the weekend should be quite good
so I should have more time to go out and have more
tasty grass! I am looking forward to that.
I also look forward to mum-time.
That includes lots of brushings.
That is always FUN!!


  1. Have a great weekend, Julie, and enjoy the buffet of grass!

  2. Well Miss Julie, I sure hope you get lots and lots of mum-time and some mega brushies. There's some grass sprouting from between the stones on our front steps, and when I'm allowed outside I can't help but snag a few nibbles. Happy weekend, dear girl.

  3. We hope you have a wonderful weekend, Julie, with lots of outdoor time and brushies! BTW, your rhododendron bush is massive! Lovely!

  4. I bet that grass tasted good, Julie! ~Ernie

  5. Yum....fresh grass!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. If it makes you happy, Julie...then do it!

  7. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself out there sweet Julie and I hope your weekend is purrfect too!

  8. That is like a wall of rhododendrun- beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  9. Funny enough, I'm not big on eating grass... but I will chomp on any plant brought into the house!

  10. Weekends are the best of the best ~ may yours be happy and good!

  11. Julie, you have the best of all worlds there with your mom.

  12. Munching on grass on a weekend… sounds divine.

  13. A nice weekend, with some grass munching, sure sounds fun, Julie. Hugs to you and Mum!

  14. Our Angel Bobo used to LOVE to eat grass! Your flowers are lovely!!
