
Friday 11 June 2021

Short Trip Outside as Cooler Weather Returns

Julie: Mum, it's getting late and we need to do 
the blog! I also need to go outside for a bit!
Ok, Ok, I would like to go outside for
a little bit...please?

I do like going outside even for a few minutes.
After a few days of hot weather, it has started
to cool off. In fact, it is quite cool out here!

I still want to have a bit of a look though.

Hmmmmmmm! This looks interesting. Wonder
what it tastes like.
Gee! Not at all exciting, or tasty!!

 Guess I will go indoors. The hot temps
of the last few days are gone and it really is 
quite cool! Besides, the treats taste better than the wood!
Stay safe everyone and everycat, and stay safe!!
Since it's the weekend ...have FUN!


  1. Enjoy your cooler weather Julie...its going to be about 90F here tomorrow.

    Glad you got to go out for a wee bit:)

  2. I'm glad you got some outside time, Julie.

  3. It is nice to get out and enjoy the cooler weather. At the moment we still have fog, but it is supposed to turn hot and sunny tomorrow.

  4. It is nice when it cools off a little, isn't it? It looks like it's gonna go the opposite way here for a while. Lately, after getting a taste of sneaking off the "safety" of our front steps, I've been getting the urge to go outside more. When I do get the urge, I sit in front of the closed door and look up at it until I get noticed. Usually works. Enjoy your weekend, Julie.

  5. Julie, I would so love to go outside. Mom would be afraid of that though because of cars in the front ad a very large dense forest in the back. So all of us have always just stayed in and bird watched. XX

  6. We had the hots too, Julie, and it wasn't much fun...and only early June! Now we, too, are enjoying some cooler weather. We wish you a fun weekend of perfect temps and lots of outdoor time!

  7. Very hot and humid here, Julie. Has curtailed a lot of activities for me too.

  8. Hope you didn't get a splinter from the wood. Have a wonderful weekend. It finally cooled off here too. XO

  9. At least you got a little romp sweet Julie! Have a fun weekend!!!

  10. Julie so glad it cooled off and you got to go out. Not sure if I would try that but if I was there giving it a whiffie... maybe. Purrs for a weekend of Fun friends

  11. Julie, it’s hotter than h-e-double hockey sticks here...and humid too! Everybuddy is staying inside in the air conditioning.

  12. Outside is a great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.

  13. It's wonderful that you were able to get out for a bit of fresh air and nice weather. I can't imagine that wood was very tasty. Treats are much more enjoyable!

  14. It's nice that you get to go outside with your Mum form time to time, Julie! It's beginning to warm up here too although it is still quite pleasant for now.

    Have a great weekend!

    Tama and Benny

  15. We're SO glad it's gotten cooler. We've even been doing a bit of cuddling again!

  16. We have cooler weather here, too, Julie!How nice that you got to go outside, but yes, we bet treats are way better than wood. :)

    Hugs to you and Mum!

  17. julie; itz been hottr N de plae that soundz like swell heer....cod....we bee out side fryin fish on de sidewalk....send sum kewl thiz a way and N joy thoz treetz :) ☺☺☺♥♥♥

  18. You asked so nicely, Julie. We're glad you got some outside time ! Purrs
