
Friday, 9 July 2021

Julie sitting on the Grass

Julie: On Wednesday, I was outside for a bit
and enjoyed sitting in the grass. I like grass.
Mum said it was time to come in, but I
did not want to come in.

I guess I better go in as I may not be able to get 
outside again. It is always smart to listen to your person!

 I am not sure when I can go outside again as it will
be rainy for a few days. Mum says maybe Sunday
unless I want to experience rain.
Something tells me that will not be FUN!


  1. Sitting in the fresh air on the grass is fun. You might like rain. My boys loved it and would sit in the middle of the lawn getting soaked. I would call them in and towel them down, but they would go right back out until I shut their cat door.

  2. That looks peaceful. Have a great weekend (inside).

  3. I'm glad you had a good time sweet Julie and you're very wise, the rain isn't fun!

  4. julie; go out side AFTURR de rain coz thatz de ebst time ta look for wermz...knot de bad wermz but good fishin wermz !!! heerz hopin ewe due get sum grazz time and N joy de week end !! ☺☺♥♥

  5. I hope you can find enough fun inside to keep you happy this weekend, Julie!

  6. Julie we hope Elsa doesn't interfere with your being outdoors this weekend!

  7. Yes, you have to listen to your person or you lose those fun privileges.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Florida Furkids are right...if you don't listen to your mom, your privileges will go away.

  9. We have been getting a lot of rain lately too. Have a nice weekend with your mum. XO

  10. I bet that grass felt good, Julie. I hope you can get outside again soon. ~Ernie

  11. We hope you and your Mom get some nice weather soon !

  12. Dad was outside yesterday on the lawn eating machine and got caught in a windy, downpoury thunderstorm. Enjoy the outdoors whenever you can, Julie.

  13. Julie, you re very smart to go in when Mum calls. Yes, you would not want to lose future opportunities!

    We had that crazy rain and some flooding here. Stay safe XO

  14. We hope you had a wonderful weekend to enjoy the outdoors!

  15. Julie, I unnerstand completely about coming in when called. I have learned that the better I came in when called, the more often I could go back out. ~ LAZ

  16. You look lovely in the grass. Best to come in when it's raining. Wet paws are no fun.

  17. You are a cutie. Enjoy. Meow. Purr.

  18. Julie, what a beautiful day you were having. The sun must have felt good on your furs. We hope it didn't rain too much so you were able to go outside sooner than later. Thanks for sharing the wonderful photos. Have a great rest of your day.
    World of Animals Bethayres

  19. Julie, neither of us has shown any interest in going out but you make it look like so much fun! Did you eat some of that grass?
