
Monday, 19 July 2021

Monday thoughts and Flowers

Julie: I see mum was changing the hummingbird 
feeders. Guess this one needs a washing.

There are quite a few blooms in the garden for critters 
that like flowers. Most of the flowers are daylilies.

The colours are vibrant.
That must attract birds.

These flowers make mum smile.
She says they are happy flowers.
Um, OK mum.

This is a foxglove.
I hope it does not attract foxes!!!!
If they did I would never get to go outside!!!!

Oh well.  I guess I'll go in and check on mum.
Maybe she is having a tasty lunch.

Maybe I can score a treat.
Probably not, but worth a try.
I think I have a few goodies left in my bowl.
I like my crunchies.



  1. Very pretty flowers. Our daylilies are pretty much done blooming for the year.

  2. Our daylilies put on a show, but now they seem to have gone back to just bu=ig green leaves...once they are done, they are done!

    Your are very pretty!

    Hope you got a nice treat when you went inside, Julie!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. Pretty colorful flowers ! Purrs

  4. Looks like you had a nice weekend, Julie.

  5. The lilies are pretty, Julie (just stay away from them, they're not good for kitties)!

    We hope you got a treat. The biped here would have given you a few. :-P

  6. your flowers are beautiful and I LOVE my crunchies too! Love, Roary

  7. Your flowers are very pretty sweet Julie and I'm glad you had some fun out there!

  8. julie de flowerz be gorgeouz; knot az gorgeouz az ewe, but they bee gorgeouz.....we likez de fox glove....heerz hopin ewe N mum have a grate munday...heerz hopin ewe getted lotz oh cruncheez :) ☺☺♥♥

  9. Getting a breath of fresh air, eh Julie?
    Last night, I walked the 'hood after dusk, because before was too hot.
    The moon was orange!
    Smoke from the fires out West; it's just too scary to think about.

  10. Good Afternoon sweet Julie. I see you are enjoying the hummingbirds and the flowers. Maybe you could give a tea pawty for us?

  11. Beautiful blooms, but you are by far the most beautiful.XO

  12. Pretty Julie, certainly the loveliest in the garden ...

  13. Very pretty flowers, Julie. I hope you got those treats.

  14. You have a lovely yard and I hope your parents appreciate you watching over it.

  15. Those flowers in your yard are so pretty, Julie. Rest assured, the foxglove does not attract foxes. :)

    Did you get some treats?

    Hugs to you and Mum!
