
Monday 6 September 2021

Labour Day, Mum Day

Julie: I am happy today because mum is home.
She says it is Labour Day and it is a holiday.
I really like holidays because I like having mum at home!!

I was outside for a shirt time.
Fall is coming and I could feel it in the sir.
It was quite cool and cloudy.

I went indoors and lay on my table with my 
favourite mat. It is fuzzy, comfy and warm.

This is also where I get most of my brushings.
 Can you tell I am a happy cat? 



  1. Enjoy your holiday with your human, Julie!

  2. You do look so very happy sweet Julie!

  3. I’m glad your mum got to spend some time with you today, Julie.

  4. I am so glad you get an extra day with your mum. XO

  5. Looks like you are having a good day Julie !

  6. Julie, like me, you have the best of life with your mum and I know she brushed you immediately. I just go straight to the brushing place...even when she isn't near ready.

  7. Julie it is so good to see you having such a fine day. You and Mom enjoy the day friend

  8. julie we CAN tell ewe izza happee cat and a gorgeouz one az well :)
    de gurl waz home yesterday two; we made her go out side and trim up sum treez ;)

    happee week a head ~~~☺☺☺♥♥3

  9. You look SO happy! Mudpie was very happy to have her Mommy home yesterday too :)

  10. Outside time, then cozy brushing time with Mum? That sure sounds great, Julie! :)

  11. Petcretary had to work, but we had Pawppy! He let us come into his office! Usually we are not allowed in there...

  12. It looks like you had a very relaxing Labor Day - a perfect way to spend the holiday.

  13. You look like a VERY happy cat, Julie!
