
Friday 15 October 2021

Curiosity Gets You in the Cat House!

Julie: Last night I went outside for my taste of grass.
It was not as good as the grass in Summer.

I moved  away from my normal spot near the ramp.

I sampled more grass. As you can see, things are starting
to turn brown. The ferns are really brown.
But I wanted to see if there was better grass.

I went past the stump and that is a no-no!
Beyond the stump are the stairs that lead down to 
the road. Mum stomped her foot !
That scared me so I came running to the house!
Mum says the weather is changing and there will not
be anymore new grass. She also said I cannot go out if I 
wander away. She mentioned the word harness.

 I am not sure I will like a harness, but if I want to go out
I may need one. This is a good time to get ideas oh what 
type of harness to get.
What do you think  makes a good harness?
Will it be FUN ?
I guess it may have to be if I want to go outside!


  1. Hmmm, a harness would be worth it to eat grass I think. Unfortunately, plants and my tummy don't mix.

  2. I love my harness! But then, I'm really used to it! One that fastens at both the neck and torso is the best because it can be custom fitted, making it more secure.

  3. Yes, you be careful out there and a harness is a good idea, Summer knows best I think, she uses her harness lots. Have a fun weekend sweet Julie.

  4. #1 says she has used a harness with various cats over the years. She always uses a Puppia harness. They are supposedly for small dogs but they are excellent for cats, snug and comfortable!

    Tama and Benny

  5. Maybe your mum could grow some grass in the house for you. My Angel Phoebe had a dress harness and she loved it. Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  6. A harness is a great idea, and definitely listen to Summer, since she's so experienced with them!

    Enjoy the weekend and stay close to the house, Julie.

  7. I have to say, Julie- me and harnesses just don't get along. Thankfully, dad made an enclosure out the front door so I can get some fresh air without mom freaking about me getting away.

  8. Julie! You can’t wander too far like that!

  9. Julie, you seem to want to kind of test your momma about your leaving where she told you where you can be. Be a good girl.

  10. We walked Celestial Angel and Chuck on harnesses; they got used to them!

  11. Maybe you can practice using a harness over the winter so you will be all ready when the spring arrives with all the new and tender shoots of grass. Getting outside and walking about would be lots of fun!

  12. Julie, Mum and all of us want you to be able to go outside, but stay safe. A harness is a great idea. Summer would know, we think. She walks on one a lot.

    Hugs, and we aresorry the grass is done for the year.


  13. I think a harness is a great idea for your safety. Our grass is still pretty green here!
