
Friday 1 October 2021

Friday Views with Julie

Julie: From the windows in my place, I often have
some pretty good views.
I can watch the Chickadees eating the sunflower
seeds in the feeder.

I also see Mourning Doves and Blue Jays
eating the seeds mum puts out .

I like my view of the deck at the back of the house,

but I like the front of the house best!

That is where the good grass is and  you know how
much I love grass!
It is also where the birdfeeders are as well.
I have great views from the kitchen window
and can see the feeders.
Best of all, I like that I can get out for some grass!!!

 Yes! Being outside is FUN!!!!
It is the weekend so you know that will be FUN! 
as mum will be home!!!!
Happy Weekend!


  1. Happy Weekend indeed!

    You do have lots pf good views, Julie.
    And we think you have a grass addiction, LOL!

  2. I hope you are able to get plenty of outside time.

  3. wow... you do get to see a lot of cool things.

  4. you definitely have some pawesome bird TV there!

  5. How nice you get to go outside to visit the salad bar sweet Julie! Have a fun weekend!

  6. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with a little outside time. XO

  7. You get to see a lot of cool stuff, Julie. How fun!

  8. We love watching the birds too. It is very relaxing.

  9. Grass and Bird TV - it sounds like you are going to have a great weekend!

  10. You know, you have the best TV around! I have lots of animals but I don't get to see them often.

  11. The best of both worlds ~ nothing less would do for dear Julie!

  12. You sure have some great views at your place, Julie. The front does sound extra special!

    Have fun with Mum this weekend! XO

  13. Julie you sure have some fun views from the windows but that front with that tasty grass looks the best to us. Being home with Mum is too and we know because we like being with Dad! Fun Fur-Sure. Have a great weekend
